Friday, September 4, 2020
Stardom in Media
Question: Portray the terms Stardom and Celebrity in Media Answer: Presentation In Todays World, Media is without a doubt, assumes an indispensable job in Celebrities Life. Media outfit us with step by step news, narratives and various other reality and amusement programs which by and large focus on the individual existence of the Stars however give humorous prominence to the Celebrities. For the youthful age, Stars become their good example in their life. Besides, various individual issues of an open figure can give pessimistic messages to the general exposure and amusement programs which by and large focus on the individual existence of the Stars yet give humorous prevalence to the Celebrities (Nelmes, 1996). Steady accounts of separation and marriage occurring among the stars can send an inappropriate message to the overall population of our general public. By giving such news to the neighborhood and national stations on TV, magazines and papers brings about structure up an unseemly abnormal strategy for living for individuals in our general public. The Media grandstands the tale of any big name. TV Programs like the 'X-Files' are not just notable because of David Duchovny, yet since of the world-see they portray. The job of the media in the general public is to give the data about the truth yet this isn't found in todays time (crackinfilms, 2012). Media control the data to acquire and more consideration and ubiquity which at times brings about demolishing the social just as the psychological status of a person. The fan following of any big name assumes a vital job in our general public. Different cricketers and film stars become the good example for the youthful age and move to accomplish the objective in their lives. By the coming of the web, the being a fan is expanding at a fast rate. Over the three decades, Henry Jenkins, Studied significantly over the idea of being a fan. Numerous big names do self destruction because of the carelessness by the individuals of their locale and fan devotees (, 2015). Big name like Sachin Tendulkar, Aishwarya Rai, and Amitabh Bachchan have their profile on Facebook, twitter and different media destinations. How the Production Company supports the dynamic and participatory being a fan around the picked Celebrity. I have never observed grandstands Britney Spears as an artist, musician and entertainer. She is notable and extremely effective and well known in the music world. Presently a days, she is facilitating well known show, The X Factor. She began her profession at eleven years old by performing on the TV Show the All New Mickey Mouse Club. Fans are allowed to give their input, either positive or negative, after the arrival of the film of an entertainer or an on-screen character which helps in picking up prominence (, 2015). Presently a days, ubiquity isn't confined through internet based life yet can be accomplished through social locales by making their celebritys profile on informal organization destinations like Facebook, twitter, you tube channels. Every single film star has likewise made their own website page and blog. This stage ends up being the immediate correspondence between the VIP and their fans. Fans can straightforwardly acknowledge, reprimand and pose inquiries to them. Britney Spears had around 300,000 supporters on YouTube, 20 million adherents on Twitter and right around 25 million likes on Facebook. (, 2015) How does the studio/creation organization react to fan criticism and join this into their development of the big name. Today, Fans can partake in different being a fan exercises by doing exercises, for example, understanding magazines and viewing their celebritys on diversion channels. Similarly, Actor Stephen Collins, star of the TV arrangement seventh Heaven, has his own site stacked with news about himself, connections and messages to share their perspectives and messages that additionally permits the fans to buy motion pictures, games and TV programs on which he has worked up until this point (crash 2003). Participatory being a fan in American culture alludes to the examination to inspect what thought processes has the individual accomplished for dynamic commitment in being a fan and fan-related exercises (Walter, 2013). In 2008, there was a report about Britney lances which said that she is intellectually sick .The feature of Britney in Mental Institution was genuinely acceptable to beat all. This news was a lot of famous and sparkles the fire among her fans. Media moved her notoriety from Bad to Mad young lady short-term. The media has changed Britney Spears character from a light and gathering young lady to tranquilize someone who is addicted and crazy celebrating picture. This is the way Britney was being made sure about in the press and started mulling over her as a subject of speculation, masterminded, as she out of nowhere appeared to be, at the unsteady nexus of sophistication, parenthood, prominent representation and free for all (, 2015). The word being a fan expresses the fanatics of a particular individual, gathering of individuals known as group or subculture. Fans are the hardest explores of the people they significantly appreciate. Fans never deferral to examine a film in opposition to what might be normal, re-decoding it in making or work out of craftsmanship. If they are disappointed by a substance they used to regard, they will endeavor to give quick analysis. Media gives most recent update to the general public. Media not simply gives information and redesigns on various issues and happenings, however it also provides a guidance to open the entryways for making up the decisions and acknowledgments of the overall population (Branston Stafford, 2006). Already, it was hard to shape. Others were oblivious of the happenings of the world and of their concerned social requests, notwithstanding, with the presence of imaginative change and progression of news inclusion, it made it possible to inform generally populace in any case regarding where they are living and for whom they have a spot in their heart. News coverage has progressed as the huge segment of media to counsel people. In days of yore, books were the fundamental wellspring of impact as th ey started things out into reality before the TV, paper and magazines. Media can bring in cash by managing the updates on big name (Wilson, 2015). Media can shape popular supposition in an assortment of ways relying upon the substance. Take the case of 9/11 dread assault, media scope imitated charges by government controls that showed al Qaeda as the social occasion that finished the assault on the United States of America and Osama container Laden as pioneer of that get-together. That news examines the ambush and the outcome shaped general thought to help the war on psychological warfare. As per Silverblatt (2004), media is a social organization. As it were, we can say that social establishment is an association that is the essential to the socialization procedure that gives a sincerely steady system to individuals as they fight to wrap up portions of a greater relational association (Clark, 2014). Media can be the strip mall for considerations - yet there is no quality control of the items on offer. Some of them should pass on an alerted. They may genuinely hurt your wellbeing. The impact can be certain and pessimistic relying on the good example picked by the individuals. Celebritys great notoriety assumes an indispensable job in the human network. Big names who show their enthusiasm for a noble cause, planting trees, underpins vagrant become standards to ones life. David Beckham additionally runs numerous cause associations. They are giving the cash to the clinics, blood donation centers, instructive establishment that extraordinarily helps in improving the country s economy (News, 2015). A great many adolescents can likewise concede sexuality inclinations so transparently as certain VIPs do. Jessie J propelled a considerable lot of the youngsters to admit to them that they are gay or indiscriminate. Name and Fame are the key attributes of any good example. Officers, who are genuine safeguards of our nation, get practically no appreciation when they are murdered in the war and then again when a big name bites the dust, everybody communicates pain. Big names are increasingly significant when contrasted with government officials and fighters. The limit of the media to convey enormous crowds gives them notoriety. As indicated by this examination, with in any event a semi-free force base vis- - vis other force habitats in the public eye (Dreier, 2014). The suggestion isn't that a fairness of intensity is gotten between the media and other amazing foundations, but instead that some proportion of free force goes into the dealings of the media with these organizations. Marxist investigations, then again, view media organizations as, best case scenario generally and imperceptibly self-governing. Effective famous people dont have customers, they have fans. Besides, that is their riddle. They dont want to overcome the best portion of the market, they attempt to light the turn of events and rouse their clans. Bundle of geniuses are into making assortments out of journals, etc. Furthermore, an exceptional methodology, to exhibit your valuation for the whiz, is to examine their composition. In the event that you're feeling brave, create and review (Year One, 2014). By the account of Britney, numerous callings get the plan to bring their piece of the overall industry up in franticness. Furthermore, the conduct of the young people can be viewed as stage that will work through, as forces, specialists as pathologies needing discipline fix. This laid a terrible effect on the fan supporters of Britney Spears. Her notoriety got antagonistically influenced by the magazines articles. Media featured the tale of Katy Perry when Her Singles was propelled in the amusement channels. Katy Perry put the focus on her Fans and not on herself which gave huge prominence to her. She mentioned that they make highlights enlightening the world concerning their Firework. The other model is Lady Gaga, who is likewise known for concentrating on building long haul personnelconnections with her fans over the momentary income from their fans by selling the items. Superstars help in bringing the certainty up in youngsters, prov
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Negative Effects of Social Media
Negative Effects of Social Media Network OR ISOLATION? A lot of SOCIALIZING ONLINE Theoretical Web office these days has made person to person communication webpage is the most continuous visit either, without a doubt the utilization of the web to mingle gives numerous advantages to the network. In any case, an excess of mingling on the web will prompt different cons, seclusion that happens will make different catastrophes clients dependent on the utilization of the web that is excessively long, different issues experienced will be looked by clients when they are an excessive amount of mingling on the web. Among these are, they will be lost relational aptitude which it is something significant in the life of society. Psychological instability will likewise be looked by clients who utilize the web excessively. It made them be investing an excess of energy before the PC or any contraptions. What's more, the innovation likewise forces social detachment. This is on the grounds that the client won't be worried about connections in reality. They will lose their habits, discussion or even habits blending in reality. All things being equal, there is a lot of mingling on the web is additionally acceptable, such as exchanging on the web dah likewise use it toward instruction. All gatherings need to guarantee this can be killed in light of the fact that it will bring a great deal of antagonistic impacts than great. Presentation These days, web and PCs are significant throughout everyday life. Different strategies are utilized to speak with people. Before, everybody associated with one another by just sending a letter through the post. This procedure sets aside a long effort to make an impression on our companions. After the telephone was presented, numerous individuals utilize the telephone to speak with one another. With this, web designers about how to take care of issues that happen in the event that you need to associate with individuals who far away. Web utilization is different and among them is to scan for data, including information, diversion, and to talk. The utilization of progressively complex advances to help individuals to get data at a rate so quick. John Naisbitt (1990), predicts one of ten human inclinations in the mid twenty-first century is data. Around 60,000 understudies matured somewhere in the range of 12 and 18 years in this nation followed go through in any event four hours daily riding the web, particularly person to person communication website Facebook (FB), Twitter, Instagram and some more. Dependent on the web, particularly FB is causing the understudies frequently cheat, take, solitary and transformed into a terrible temper if their desires are not met. On the off chance that the addictive long range informal communication site isn't tended to, it will cause different negative effects incorporate side effects of truancy and wrongdoing and reserved. An excessive amount of mingling on the web will prompt more negative than positive things. Other than upset the association among individuals, an excess of mingling on the web additionally prompts different illnesses and furthermore prompts social separation forces. Innovation is wrecking the Quality of Human Interaction Innovation is the part of information that manages the creation and utilization of specialized methods and their interrelation with life, society and the earth, drawing upon such subjects as modern expressions, building, applied science and unadulterated science (, n.d). It can't be denied that in this century, we live truly relies upon the innovation like portable, PCs, medicine machines, security and so on. The innovation improvement additionally continue expanding step by step and it makes a few people feeling anxious to hang tight for the new innovation, for example, another contraption being discharged. Innovation itself gives us numerous advantages and furthermore joined negative impacts. Gradually Internet and portable innovation is by all accounts deftly decimating the importance of connections among individuals, separating us from our general surroundings and prompting a fast approaching feeling of disconnection in the present society (Melissa, n.d). Today, rather than meeting companions up close and personal we rather call, text or text them. It might appear to be less complex yet we at last wind up observing our companions much less society (Melissa, n.d). The innovation, particularly portable innovation these days truly gives a major effect on our live. In Malaysia itself, all the residents in this nation have their own cell phone even the children under twelve years of age. As far as anyone knows, the kids at that age ought to invest more energy with their folks and companions. We called this circumstance as a contraption murkiness where individuals truly connected to their devices. On the off chance that this circumstance continues occurring in our general public, we ought not be shocked if those youngsters having issue with their social associations with others. There is an article that discussion about how the portable innovation slaughters the vis-à -vis collaborations. The essayist said he was at the University of Missouri-Columbia for a get-together and he saw that pretty much every understudy had a phone out to peruse instant messages or check voice messages as they strolled around-whether they had companions close by or not (Mark, 2007). That was what occurred in 2007, and we can see that the device cloudiness today become increasingly genuine when the individuals caught up with messaging, Facebooking, twittering, and these cause them to disregard the individuals around them and simultaneously it gradually devastating the nature of the human association. In 2010, there is another article talk about how the innovation annihilates the relational correspondence. The essayist scrutinized that individuals today depend on Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare and so forth., And most people are associated with the innovation and the web consistently one way another (Sean, 2010). Besides, there likewise has a page that recorded 10 different ways cell phones are decimating our lives and I truly intrigued with one of the manners in which that is social connections? Huh? What right? It doubted us how regularly nowadays we meet gatherings of individuals having espresso with everybody's appearances covered in their telephones, probably they don't had anything to talk about or perhaps we are gradually overlooking how to fill life's cumbersome hushes with affable discussion (, 2012). The improvement of the innovation that accelerating these days truly make us stressed in light of the conduct of the individuals that truly energized with respect to it. Innovation is acceptable, however our kin exacerbate it. This is on the grounds that we don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize it well. Disregard all the contraptions or any innovation we have when we are in a gathering of individuals, give some regard there and afterward we can adjust the human cooperations inside individuals and innovation. Innovation will be valuable when we not how to welcome it. Youngsters will confronted dysfunctional behavior, ailment due to such a large number of web based mingling Aside from the absence of relational abilities, The youngsters are the ones who are powerless against the issue of social ills. Psychological instability will likewise be looked by a kid who is a lot of their time on long range interpersonal communication locales. This is expected, they would prefer to get something without looking at the realities is whether it is right or not. Basic reasoning they would be diminished and they will battle to settle on any choices identifying with the thought. They are not, at this point keen on breaking down an acknowledged reality straight through web indexes. Thusly, they no longer show the mind to think top to bottom which can influence cerebrum work when the condition perseveres. On the off chance that that were done from the beginning periods of adolescent life, how it will be the point at which they grow up. It influences their every day lives, however how they can be equipped and serious. What is all the more stressing is essentially to guardians is their childs truancy willing just to go to a digital bistro in their home if there is no PC. If insufficient pocket cash, they are eager to take, as long as it can visit digital bistros. PCs, particularly those with access to the web, for instance, is one of the devices for correspondence innovation is frequently touted as exceptionally valuable for an assortment of purposes, for example, to get, transmit and record the data. Be that as it may, meanwhile, we additionally feel uncomfortable on the grounds that the media have likewise become a channel disgusting material and furthermore have been abused for the reasons unethical and betting. Kids who invest a ton of energy stuck to a PC danger of emotional wellness issues, for example, dejection, sadness and anxiety(â€Å"The web can be awful for children’s psychological wellness Health News Health Families The Independent,†n.d.). The individuals who go through over four hours per day to see the screen progressively helpless against psychological maladjustment. Results indicated that more wellbeing dangers of long range informal communication destinations and PC games, for example, organizations like Facebook censured for neglecting to have a framework that is progressively compelling age checks for new joiners. You should be 13 or more seasoned to join Facebook, however numerous youngsters more youthful holding account. Kids who invest more energy in the PC, staring at the TV and playing computer games, will in general experience more elevated levels of passionate pressure, nervousness and misery. In reflect paper composed on 16 may 2014 about â€Å"Spending an excessive amount of time web based causing psychological sickness in youngsters government wellbeing counsels warn†said that dejection, discouragement, tension, low confidence and increased animosity are a portion of the potential issues looked by kids who may abuse the web. A PHE report says enhancements in childrens prosperity in the course of recent decades had now been abridged and might be backward. The report says the quantity of calls to Child Line about internet harassing, self-destructive contemplations and self-hurt have taken off as of late. PHE recommended that guardians ought to be especially stressed over their childs psychological wellness on the off chance that they go through over four hours every day before a screen. Youngsters who invest more energy in PCs, staring at the TV and playing computer games will in general experience more elevated levels of enthusiastic trouble, nervousness and sorrow. This relationship is especially negative among the individuals who take part in elevated levels of screen utilize over four hours per day. The proof proposes a portion reaction relationship, where each extra hour of vi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fathers And Sons Essays - Fathers And Sons, Bazarov, Family, Father
Father's And Sons Turgenov's Fathers and Sons has a few characters who hold solid perspectives on the world. Pavel accepts that Russia needs structure from such things as organization, religion, and class pecking order. Madame Odintsov sees the world as straightforward inasmuch as she keeps it methodical and liberated from obstruction. This paper will concentrate on maybe the most fascinating and complex character in Fathers and Children: Bazarov. Vladimir Nabakov composes that Turgenov takes his animal [B] out of a willful example and spots him in the ordinary universe of possibility. By analyzing Bazarov this paper will offer this expression more clear to the peruser. Utilizing agnosticism as a beginning stage we will take a gander at Bazarov's perspectives and understandings of science, government and establishment. Next we will go to the issue connections. At long last we analyze Bazarov's demise and the staggering facts it uncovers. These issues joined with the subject of skepticism will demonstrate that opportunity, or destiny is a solid power which can only with significant effort be discredited. Agnosticism as an idea is utilized all through Fathers and Sons. To increase a better comprehension of the thoughts behind this term we should take a gander at what Bazarov says regarding the matter. We base our direct on what we perceive as valuable... the most valuable thing we can do is to disavow - thus we renounce (123). The base idea of skepticism is to deny or nullify, and as we learn later in a similar section, to refute everything. With this 'pulverization' of everything from science to craftsmanship there is no structure for skeptics, as Bazarov says That isn't our undertaking (126). Agnostics see the current structure of society as worried about such trivialties as 'workmanship' and 'parliamentism' while overlooking genuine issues, for example, food, opportunity, and similarly. Skeptics know about these social misfortunes and henceforth intellectually preclude to perceive any from claiming the present position or foundations which just serve to sustain a legend. Bazarov concurs with the explanation that agnosticism confine[s] [oneself] to misuse (126). ... I don't have confidence in anything: and what is science-science in the theoretical? There are sciences as there are exchanges and callings, however unique science simply doesn't exist (98). For Bazarov anything that isn't substantial and concrete doesn't exist. Brain science, quantum mechanics, neurochemistry would be laughed at by Bazarov. It appears to be impossible to miss that Bazarov would state, ... these days we giggle at medication all in all, and revere nobody, (197) while simultaneously he seeks after a vocation as a specialist. The medication that Bazarov utilizes bargains in the 'unadulterated sciences', that is his thoughts originates from training not hypothesis. By taking a gander at Bazarov we find that his work affirms his skeptical thoughts. To clarify, one just need take a gander at Bazarov's principle center; the dismemberment of frogs. Each time he looks around the life systems of a frog he sees they all have comparable structures (heart, liver, digestive system's and so on). People likewise share a typical inside life systems. Conceptual ideas like position, religion or science to not normally exist inside individuals and are just made 'genuine' by others. Bazarov knows this and his examinations affirm his defiant mentality. Bazarov says, All men are comparative, in soul just as in body ... furthermore, the supposed good characteristics are the equivalent within each one of us (160). Likewise with general science Bazarov feels nothing towards craftsmanship. ... You accept that I have no inclination for workmanship - and it is valid, I haven't (159). Craftsmanship is minor to Bazarov and achieves nothing, in this way he doesn't remember it. It is the equivalent with nature, Bazarov was somewhat detached to the marvels of nature (169). There is a colloquialism, Magnificence is in the eye of the viewer. What if the onlooker has no eye for magnificence? Such is the case with Bazarov. The point for Bazarov is that style in workmanship and nature just serve to redirect consideration from squeezing issues, for example, debasement in society and basic change. These are what concerns a skeptics, not the most recent writing from Pushkin or painting from Alexander. Foundations, for example, instruction, government and built up power are hated by Bazarov. Everybody should teach himself (105). Since teaching of the built up society starts with instruction, a skeptic should see training from behind the barrel of a shotgun. Rationale is of no utilization Bazarov, You needn't bother with rationale, I assume, to place a bit of bread in your mouth (123). The agnostic plan, that is, the requirement for tearing down of structure is past rationale what's more, is as vital as eating or relaxing. Moreover Bazarov
By What Means Do The Poets in These Five War Poems Convey Their View Of War? Essay
We have examined five sonnets of that lone two sonnets â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade†and â€Å"Who’s For The Game†are ace war the other three are hostile to war. â€Å"Who’s For the Game†is a sonnet focused on every one of those youngsters at the hour of the First World War to attempt to get them to take a crack at the military. It discusses the war, as a great game and that you should get together with your mates as somewhat of a chuckle and murder a few Germans while you are busy. In the main section Jessie Pope the artist who composed the sonnet analyzes the war to a round of rugby with lines, for example, â€Å"who’ll hold and tackle the activity unafraid†. This places the thought in the perusers head that lone solid intense rugby player will have the option to battle for their nation and that lone the powerless men who are terrified remain behind while every other person has a ton of fun and gets commended and cheered. In the second and third section they utilize moving blame in the men for joining the military by expressing such things as â€Å"Who’ll give his nation a hand†it embodies the nation as a human that is in a battle and you are the main individual that can support it. It additionally utilizes the possibility of every one of your mates proceeding to have a fabulous time without you and you being abandoned. It utilizes ditty mood to get the peruser to peruse it in an up beat way like a melody or a serenade. â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade†is additionally the other professional war sonnet. It’s a sonnet about a mounted force charge in the Crimean war that goes on a self destruction charge to their demises in light of the fact that a misstep was made in the correspondence between the officials. This sonnet is about how the cavalrymen were set up to charge to their demises for Britain and as a result of this they become saints. It begins with an utilization of feet in the beat it utilizes anapaestic breadth. This gives the possibility of hooves dashing â€Å"Half a group, a large portion of an alliance, a large portion of a class onward,†This musicality is broken in the third line, the writer does this to stress the word â€Å"Death†as it is a significant word in this sonnet. In the second refrain the writer communicates that the mounted force were absent to the circumstance they would be in soon as they rode into the valley, â€Å"Not tho’ the officers realized somebody had blundered.†There is a feeling of enthusiasm, as they don't inquire as to why they simply do, â€Å"Theirs not to answer, theirs not to motivation behind why Theirs however to do and die,†In the third refrain the artist accentuates the way that they are caught by rehashing the word gun to one side to one side and before them this works and raises he thought of despondency. It likewise represents demise as a ghastly beast that has huge incredible jaws, â€Å"Boldly they rode and well, into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of Hell.†In the fourth refrain the artist focuses on the way that despite the fact that the mounted force was enormously out numbered they despite everything went in ‘all firearms blazing’ as the adage goes, with the sabers noticeable all around courageous. It additionally discusses the measure of men toward the finish of each stanza it talks of there being 600 toward the beginning of the sonnet â€Å"Rode the six hundred†however as we experience the sonnet the number gradually exhausts â€Å"Then they rode back yet not the six hundred.†At the finish of the sonnet they instruct us to respect them, â€Å"Honour the charge they made! Respect the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!†The following three sonnets are on the whole enemy of war programs ‘Drummer Hodge’ is a sonnet composed by Thomas Hardy it is a sonnet about The Boar War were they used to employ under age drummers that were too youthful to even consider joining the military to battle however they used to join with the goal that they could play the drums for the officers. For this situation there is a little fellow that loses his life alongside a great deal of different young men. â€Å"They toss in Drummer Hodge, to rest uncoffined-similarly as found†this is the principal line in this sonnet and it utilizes the word toss to practically imply that he had to his demise or as the writer puts it â€Å"to rest†. The artist focuses on the way that Drummer Hodge was only a little fellow from Wessex that knew nothing about the war and was not associated with the reason for the war yet still needs to proceed to pass on in it, â€Å"Young Hodge the Drummer never knew-Fresh from hi s Wessex home-the significance of the wide Karoo.†The Drummer doesn’t even get any affirmation or burial service however is simply left to decay without a final resting place, underneath the stars. He never at any point gets brought home yet left there in an unusual spot along route from home. The writer gives us the feeling that he is far from home by bringing the way that there are peculiar stars that he has never observed, â€Å"Strange stars in the midst of the gloam†¦ And weird peered toward groups of stars reign†. Additionally in the last line, â€Å"His stars eternally†this is the poet’s method of saying that despite the fact that he didn’t get a memorial service and nobody even acknowledged he had gone yet the stars will consistently recollect him. The following sonnet is I called ‘Disabled’ and it is composed by Wilfred Owen. It is a sonnet about a man that served in the war that has lost his every one of his appendages. In the primary refrain he talks of â€Å"his awful dark suite†this is a suite that he would be made to wear it since it has been exceptionally made for him with no appendages. It proceeds to state that he hears the young men playing like used to before he got incapacitated and this disheartens him, â€Å"Voices of young men rang disheartening like a hymn.†He anticipates the medical attendant coming to him and taking care of him to scratch out his distress and remove him from this world, â€Å"Till gathering rest had mothered them from him.†In the second stanza he returns to before the war and discusses how he used to swing and strut down the road on a Saturday night in the town. Presently he realizes that he will never be speaking to young ladies again and now they contact him with no affection or care however just simply demonstrable skill and no energy or connection, â€Å"Girls’ abdomens are, or how warm their inconspicuous hands; every one of them contact him like some eccentric disease.†He at that point returns to discussing when he was before the war and says that he used to have craftsmen needing to paint him since he had such an attractive face yet since the war it is as though he has had all the blood depleted from his body, when he lost his appendages and all the shading has been lost from his face. All that is left is a pale white body. â€Å"He’s lost his shading exceptionally a long way from here, Poured it down shell-openings till the veins ran dry†¦ and jump of purple erupted from his thigh.†He continues discussing how when he used to play football with his mates that he might want a touch of blood on his leg since then it would appear as though he had played hard, â€Å"One time he preferred a blood-smear down his leg, After the matches, conveyed shoulder high.†He proceeds to state how he didn’t even sign up to the military for any genuine explanation it was on the grounds that he had a lot to drink and he did it to intrigue the women and he wasn’t even mature enough. He joined in light of the fact that he figured he would glance great in a kilt and might want to present before the women. He needed to get together with his mates and have a giggle with them and bond with them. He discusses when he returned from the war he got a little cheer off certain individuals however not as much as when he scored an objective in football. He feels that he got let somewhere around the nation as all that he got back was a little thank you off a cleric and some natural product however he gave every one of his appendages, â€Å"Some cheered him home, yet not as groups cheer Goal. Just a grave man who brought him fruits.†He ponders how he should take feel sorry for like advantages from the medical caretakers and furthermore and how the young ladies were the principle reason he signed up in any case yet now they view him with pity and go to the next entire men, â€Å"To-night he saw how the women’s eyes went from him to the tough men that were whole.†At the finish of the sonnet he can’t hold up till the attendants come and put him to sleep so he can float away into his fantasies and escape this world, â€Å"How cold and late it is! Why donâ₠¬â„¢t they come and put him into bed? Why don’t they come?†The last Poem is called ‘The Night Patrol’ and it is composed by Arthur Graeme West. It is about a night watch in the subsequent world war that goes out into ‘no keeps an eye on land’ to tune in to the Germans and check whether they are up to anything. In the principal stanza it is immediate discourse probably by an official guiding the fighters. When the warriors get over the highest point of the channel the artist proceeds to clarify in insight concerning what it resembles in ‘no-keeps an eye on land’ the artist gets the point over that this fix of land has not been utilized for its unique use for a long time, â€Å"tufts of popping cornstalks, two years of age, No man had reaped,†. The writer additionally expounds on the things that are thronw there from late assaults, â€Å"Packs, rifles, pikes, belts and haversacks, shell sections, and the colossal entire types of shells.†He at that point goes on talk about the dead laying th ere and he talks of â€Å"the terrible wiped out smell of rottenness;†which saves no affections for the faculties. There is no poise for the officer they even put them in peculiar positions so they can direct their way back to their channel. The artist at that point discusses going to the following deterrent which happens to be various eviscerated cadavers. This rankles the officers since it is anything but difficult to avoid one dead body on your gut however it is more earnestly to evade loads of bits of dead cadaver, â€Å"All blown to bits, an archipelago of degenerate sections, vexing to us three.†In the sonnet the fighters at long last get to the German wire the writer and the artist compose of them resting like the dead listening t
Friday, August 21, 2020
Local Fundraising :: essays research papers fc
Running a political race is difficult and tedious. From various perspectives it is an exercise in careful control. One must arrangement with keeping up open perceivability, speaking to the voters, building up a stage, kissing disturbing children, and meeting whatever number individuals as could reasonably be expected. Be that as it may, one of the most significant and troublesome pieces of the activity is fund-raising. Cash is important for all pieces of the battle, and without it, a crusade can come to a standstill. In this paper I will endeavor to clarify how a competitor gets the cash to battle. Â â â â â The principal activity, at whatever point one pursues any position, is to check every neighborhood law relating to decisions and commitments. In any province, there frequently are dark laws that influence a bunch of subjects, races being among them. These laws for the most part state who can offer cash to whom and what amount can be given by any one individual or association. Abusing these laws may bring about a programmed relinquishment. Another significant advance is to ensure that you, yourself, add to your own crusade. It doesn't need to be a lot, the same number of applicants don't originate from rich foundations, however enough to show that you are not kidding about winning the political race. All things considered, on the off chance that you are not certain enough to contribute your own cash, how might you anticipate that others should contribute for you? The third step that numerous confident applicants use is to move toward their loved ones for cash. While some might be reluctant to do this, one master, who inquisitively didn't leave his name (Basic Fundraising, n.d.), says this is significant. Your loved ones ought to be asked, right off the bat, for the explanation sketched out in the former passage, and also on the grounds that this is the place an up-and-comer gets quite a bit of their underlying seed cash. A viral methodology, as indicated by Garecht, ought to be utilized when approaching partners for cash (n.d.e). Ask your loved ones to ask all their loved ones, who should, thus, solicit all from their loved ones. Obviously, not every person will contribute, yet by playing the rates, a competitor can hope to get a great many dollars, regardless of whether the person isn't from an especially well-off group of friends. In the event that an individual is reluctant to contribute financially, inquire as to whether he might want to chip in either his time or benefits, or even there grass for use as signage.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Sole Proprietorship
The Pros and Cons of Sole Proprietorship One of the major considerations that entrepreneurs and businessmen make when they are planning to start a new business is its legal structure. Should it be a partnership or should they form a corporation instead? Maybe it would be better to just set it up as a sole proprietorship? There are several factors affecting this decision, including the type or nature of business and the availability of capital or resources required to set up the business and start its operations. Others are more circumspect, however, and prefer to look into the various characteristics of the legal structures and weigh their pros and cons, in order to see which structure fits their need the best. © | vgstudioIn this article, you will learn 1) what is the sole proprietorship and 2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business as a sole proprietorship.THE SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPQuite easily the most common business structure and the simplest out of all the other structures, a “sole proprietorship†is a business that is owned by only one person. Many people are confused whether the phrase applies to the business owned by one person or the one person who owns that business. It refers to both: the business and the owner since, in this type of structure, there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.To understand the concept further, let us break down the basic features of the sole proprietorship.A sole proprietorship is owned and run by one person, where the person often runs the business under his own name.A sole proprietorship does not have a separate legal entity. This is its major difference from partnerships and corpora tions.The sole proprietor (the owner) owns all the assets of the business.The sole proprietor also bears all the risks and the benefits associated with it.We can gain a better understanding of a sole proprietorship, and be aided in our decision on whether to choose this type of structure or not, by taking into account its various pros and cons.PROS OF A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPThe following are the advantages or benefits that you can enjoy in a sole proprietorship type of business.1. Easy setup or formationA sole proprietorship is very easy to form, which most likely explains why it is the oldest type of business structure known to man. Creation of a sole proprietorship does not involve the formal creation of a business organization. It can be a one-man operation, where the sole proprietorship has only one employee, who also happens to be the owner.Setting it up requires very little paperwork or legal formalities. This is the complete opposite of corporations or partnerships, where you h ave to prepare sets of documents and submit them to specific regulatory agencies and government bodies. The business can be formed by simply filing with the local office in your city or locality.It is not necessary to set up a separate trade name for the business. The sole proprietor can proceed to doing business under his or her own name.There are small startup costs involved. A sole proprietorship is also the least expensive to set up. While it is true that it is not entirely free to form it, the legal fees that have to be paid (such as permits and licenses) are usually minimal.This simplicity is the primary reason why individuals who are attempting to go into business for the first time choose it. Consultants and professionals often take this option when they want to go into business for themselves. They can start small, as a way to “test the watersâ€, before considering taking the next step and expanding their business operations. Many partnerships and corporations â€" even t he large companies we see today â€" started out small, as sole proprietorships.This also makes it possible for practically anyone to set up a business. Even if you have limited assets or resources, you can start your own sole proprietorship, since there is no minimum amount of startup capital that must be met.2. Management flexibilityThe reason why many individuals go into business is because they want to “be their own bossâ€. They want to be the one in control, holding the reins, and making all the decisions.The sole proprietor has complete power over the decision-making. He is the only one running the business, so all the decisions are made by him. It certainly spares him the headaches of getting the approval of a board of directors (in case of corporations) or the consent of other partners (in a partnership business). This also cuts down the time it usually takes between arriving at a decision and implementing it, since it cuts through any delays or deadlocks usually encounter ed in a bureaucratic environment.The owner has the sole discretion when it comes to costs incurred by the business. He is, after all, the one holding the purse strings of the company, so it is up to him how to allocate the costs and utilize the resources of the business. This is not something that can be done in a corporation or a partnership, since costs have to be subjected to a series of scrutiny by all the partners and stakeholders.This also means that the sole proprietor also gets to solely enjoy the profits that will be earned by the business from its operations. In a partnership, depending on the agreement among the partners as to their share in earnings, they will have to split the net income (after tax) among themselves. The sole proprietor has no one to split with, so he gets to enjoy all the profits by himself.Management flexibility results in faster pace of transactions. Response is quicker on the part of the manager in terms of decision-making because you get to do it a lone. You call all the shots, so you can move forward, instead of being held back waiting for what others have to say about a certain matter related to the business.3. Less government controlA sole proprietorship is subject to only a few regulations. This is already noticeable from the time you set up the business. A simple and quick trip to the local business office is enough to have your business registered. You will not be required by many government and regulatory agencies to submit a lot of documentation for your business, which is the case with corporations and partnerships.Corporations and partnerships are governed by specific rules and regulations that they must comply with, such as issues relating to their organizational structure and the like. Sole proprietors are not bound by these guidelines and can run their business in the manner they deem fit.4. Tax advantagesTaxation is one of the touchy subjects when it comes to business. Sole proprietorships have the benefit of bei ng subject to simpler taxation procedures; since it is not a separate entity, it is not taxable. That does not mean, however, that it is completely free from having to pay taxes.In a partnership or a corporation, the business entity will have to file its own tax return, and the owner-partners or stockholders have to file their own separate tax returns for the income that they received from the operations of the business.This is not the case in a sole proprietorship. Remember that the owner of the sole proprietorship business is not considered to be distinct from the business itself. It means they are treated as one and the same, so there is a need for only one income tax return: that of the owner or sole proprietor. Any income earned by the business is also income earned by the owner. Taxing them both, separately, would be a case of double taxation.This means that the sole proprietorship also gets the advantage of being subjected to lower tax rates, since there are separate (and hig her) rates when it comes to business taxation and corporate taxation, as compared to income taxation, which is what sole proprietors are liable for.To sum it up, there is only one tax return that will be filed, and it is not a requirement to attach a balance sheet of the business as a supporting document to the tax return.5. Least amount of recordkeepingBooks of accounts of partnerships and corporations are considerably more complicated than that of a sole proprietorship. You have to maintain separate books for the partners, the business, and for taxation purposes. There are certainly more ledgers and records to maintain. In a sole proprietorship, recordkeeping is straightforward. In fact, the owner is not even required to avail the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant since he can do it himself. Corporations and partnerships are expected to present formal financial statements, so they have a financial team to take care of the recording and recordkeeping process. Minutes of mee tings have to be taken diligently. This is not the case in smaller, sole proprietorship type of businesses.6. Easy dissolutionIt is as easy to cease all operations of a sole proprietorship as it was to set it up. Once the owner decides to stop running the business, he can easily do so. There is no need to undergo a lengthy process since the business does not have very formal registrations binding it. All it takes is to pay off all the business debts and obligations and close all accounts. Of course, you have to notify the tax authorities about the dissolution of the business for tax purposes.CONS OF A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPNow it is time to look at the other side of the coin and take into consideration the disadvantages of choosing the sole proprietorship business structure.1. Unlimited personal liability of the sole proprietorThis is the downside of being the only one who owns the business and enjoying its profits: you are also left to shoulder all its liabilities as well as its losse s, if any. Corporations, which are considered to be separate legal entities from the incorporators and shareholders, offer liability protection (to varying extent) from the debts and actions of the business.They will only be liable up to the extent of their investment in stocks or shareholdings in the business, and their personal assets remain theirs. The same is true for partnerships, particularly LLCs, or limited liability companies.The sole proprietor does not have any protection from liability, since the debts and obligations of the business are also his debts and obligations. In the event that the business has incurred major losses and is unable to pay its debts, the creditors can go after the proprietor’s personal assets, from his car, house and other real and personal properties. Even his savings will become fair game to creditors and everyone else that the business owes. In other words, sole proprietors are at risk of losing practically everything if their business does no t succeed.The same is true when someone files a case in court against the business. In effect, this is tantamount to the owner or sole proprietor being sued. In case the business loses the case, the owner will be personally liable.2. Uncertain business lifeCorporations are deemed to have an unlimited life, with the concept of going concern holding that it is expected to continue existing for the foreseeable future, even if the original incorporators, the stockholders, and managers resign or even die. This is the same with a partnership, where the withdrawal of one partner does not automatically mean that the business ceases to exist. The remaining partners can simply come up with a revised partnership agreement, without the operations of the business being affected.Continuity of the business is an issue when it comes to sole proprietorships. It has been said that the owner and the business are a single entity; that means, therefore, that the retirement or death of the owner, and any impairment that will render him incapable of making decisions or managing the business, will automatically mean the cessation of the business and its operations. Yes, it is easy to dissolve, but this also indicates fragility in the existence and continuity of the business.3. Difficulty in raising capital or obtaining financingThis is deemed by many as one of the biggest disadvantages of a sole proprietorship. You are setting the business up with the intention of being the only one in control. Naturally, raising the capital you need is entirely up to you. This is why most sole proprietorships use their own money when starting their business. The working capital of the business will be limited to the funds of the sole proprietor, and other funds that it can obtain through loans.There is the added disadvantage of banks, lending and financing institutions that are more wary about extending loans or granting financial aids to sole proprietorships. These sources of financing often look i nto the stability of a business as a going concern (and we have already established that the life of a sole proprietorship is uncertain and fragile) and its assets which is often fewer than, say, a corporation or a partnership with more partners pooling their resources together. Banks and lenders view these as an indication of the capability of the business to meet its dues and repay its obligations. On these counts, sole proprietorships are not attractive prospects for investors and lenders.When corporations require funding for expansion or some other major project, it can issue equity in the form of shares of stocks. They are also in a better position to have lines of credit and have an easier time obtaining bank loans.4. Limited view in business managementThere is a hitch in having full control of the management of the business. You call all the shots, what you say goes, and you pretty much make the decisions on everything. There are higher chances of your objectivity being impai red because you are the only one making the decisions. In a partnership, you have partners to throw ideas around with. In a corporation, you have a team to brainstorm with.In a way, being the only one making the decisions is a heavy burden to bear. The success and the failure of the business all boils down to you, so unless you have strong grit and you feel confident that you can handle possible failure, you might want to rethink setting up a sole proprietorship.5. Less business-like in appearanceCompared to a corporation or a partnership, which are legal entities, a sole proprietorship is often viewed as one that is not as professional or like a business. This is most likely because it did not undergo the rigid procedures that corporations and partnerships did when it started out. It looks informal to the public.It is hard to say outright whether a sole proprietorship is the best business structure for you to start with. There are certain considerations to be made, and in-depth ana lysis is required. Some of these factors include the type of business you will want, the product or service you will offer, the market that you are trying to enter, and even the resources available to you for your capital.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Death of a Dream - Literature Essay Samples
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby is regarded as a brilliant piece of literature that offers a vivid peek into American life in the 1920s. The central characteristics of the Lost Generation of the 1920s society are shown through the decay of the American Dream. This novel shows that the American Dream no longer signifies the noble idea it once did, but rather it stands for the corruption of the 1920s society. The decay of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby is shown through the actions of the characters when America, the new Eden, is abused and destructed, when Gatsby cannot attain the success that he desires with Daisy and through the careless and dependent attitudes of the aristocracy.One of the main ideas of the American Dream in Modernism refers to America as a new Eden, a land of beauty, bounty, opportunity and unlimited resources. The characters in The Great Gatsby do not respect or preserve this New Eden; rather they do nothing but corrupt, destruct and abuse it in their desire for money and power. The lives of people like Gatsby, Daisy, Tom and Jordan revolve around material things and money. This becomes a prevalent concept throughout the novel. Daisy especially is extremely caught up in the desire for wealth, so much that her voice is described as being, full of money (127), by Gatsby. The society of the 1920s, like Daisy, is characterized by an endless pursuit of pleasure and a decay of moral values. Throughout the summer months, Gatsby is known for all the extravagant parties he throws. People come from all over New York City to Gatsbys party, although none of them seem to know Gatsby other than from the rumors they hear. This makes no difference to them because they are only interested in pursuing their own pleasure, which they find at drunken parties such as Gatsbys. This pursuit seems to be a top priority for most of the characters in this book, with no respect for the opportunity or beauty of America. As one of the guests at G atsbys party says, I like to come, I never care what I do, so I always have a good time (45). Aside from being a careless group of people, many of the guests at Gatsbys parties are destructive and abuse the new Eden for their pleasure. As Nick states, Mondays eight servants including an extra gardener toil all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden shears, repairing the ravages of the night before (43). These people give no thought to their actions no matter how destructive, as long as they reach their goals of money and pleasure.A spirit of perseverance can characterize the American Dream along with hope, through which one can expect continued success, progress and the fulfilling of desires. While this may have been true for some people, it certainly is not for Gatsby. His ultimate goal in all that he did was to get Daisy. The ostentatious parties, the huge mansion, the lavish clothing are all attempts to win the attention of the cruel and shallow Daisy, who cares only for pleasure and money. Little did Gatsby know that what he desired was something unattainable. He builds Daisy up into something that she is not. She becomes the object of his dreams and desires more than the actual person that Gatsby knows. When Gatsby and Daisy meet for the first time in five years, Nick comments that, There must be momentswhen Daisy tumbles short of his dreams not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion (101). This fantasy that he creates could never be attained with the results he desires. He wants nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: I never loved you' (116). He desires so much of Daisy that in the end he found that what he dreams cannot be fulfilled. In a way Gatsby is neglecting reality while he chases an illusion. The more Gatsby reaches for his dream, the more it retreats into the shadowy past, taking him further and further from what is real. At the end of the book, after th e death and funeral of Gatsby, Nick states, He had come a long way to this blue lawn and his dream must seem so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it (189). Gatsby travels far in his life, and always seems to have hope in the future, although that hope came to an end along with his relationship with Daisy and his life.The idea that the self-reliant, independent person can triumph and get anywhere as long as they trust in their own powers is contradicted in the novel The Great Gatsby. The main characters of this book seem to be the complete opposites of those having self-reliant and independence. They are extremely self-conscious and social people who rely on others to maintain their careless existence. At one of the parties, Jordan Baker tells Nick, I like large parties. Theyre so intimate. At small parties there isnt any privacy (54). This statement is completely ironic in its meaning since large parties are in no way intimate. The society of the 1920s desires to float around from group to group at parties, never being intimate in any way, but rather just being social with as many people as possible. At the same party, Nick notices that, the air is alive with chatter and laughter and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot and enthusiastic meetings between women who never know each others names (44). The entire society appears to be utterly careless with their entire existence, not just at social events. This carelessness is one of the biggest traits of the Upper Class, which comes to be known as the Lost Generation. They are unable to be independent, in such a way that when things do not go their way they rely on others to fix them. Nick comes to realize this about Tom and Daisy at the end of the book, They [are] careless people, Tom and Daisy they smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that keeps them together, and let other people clean up the mes s they make (188). This inability to rely on themselves instead of others and their money eventually leads to Nick reaching a new maturity and realizing that these people are no more than children.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Graduarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples
The Spanish verb graduarse is a reflexive verb that means to graduate, whether it be from high school, college, etc. The stem verb graduar can be used non-reflexively, in which case it also means to adjust or calibrate. For example, you can say Queremos graduar la temperatura (We want to adjust the temperature). However, this verb is most commonly used as the reflexive graduarse to talk about obtaining a degree or completing an educational level. Since this verb is often used reflexively, this article includes graduarse conjugations with the reflexive pronoun. You will find tables with conjugations in the present, past, conditional, and future indicative; the present and past subjunctive; the imperative, and other verb forms. Graduarse Present Indicative Since graduar is a regular -ar verb, the conjugations of graduarse follow the regular -ar verb pattern. However, notice that in some of the present indicative conjugations an accent mark is needed to maintain the stress in the correct vowel. Also, remember to include the reflexive pronoun before each conjugated verb. Yo me gradà ºo I graduate Yo me gradà ºo de la universidad. Tà º te gradà ºas You graduate Tà º te gradà ºas de la escuela primaria. Usted/à ©l/ella se gradà ºa You/he/she graduates Ella se gradà ºa con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Nosotros nos graduamos We graduate Nosotros nos graduamos juntos. Vosotros os graduà ¡is You graduate Vosotros os graduà ¡is de la secundaria con buenas notas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se gradà ºan You/they graduate Ellos se gradà ºan con honores. Graduarse Preterite Indicative The preterite tense conjugations for yo and à ©l/ella/usted contain an accent mark on the last vowel. Yo me graduà © I graduated Yo me graduà © de la universidad. Tà º te graduaste You graduated Tà º te graduaste de la escuela primaria. Usted/à ©l/ella se graduà ³ You/he/she graduated Ella se graduà ³ con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Nosotros nos graduamos We graduated Nosotros nos graduamos juntos. Vosotros os graduasteis You graduated Vosotros os graduasteis de la secundaria con buenas notas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se graduaron You/they graduated Ellos se graduaron con honores. Graduarse Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is conjugated by starting with the stem gradu and adding the imperfect ending for -er verbs (aba, abas, aba, à ¡bamos, abais, aban). The imperfect tense can be translated as was graduating or used to graduate. Yo me graduaba I used to graduate Yo me graduaba de la universidad. Tà º te graduabas You used to graduate Tà º te graduabas de la escuela primaria. Usted/à ©l/ella se graduaba You/he/she used to graduate Ella se graduaba con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Nosotros nos graduà ¡bamos We used to graduate Nosotros nos graduà ¡bamos juntos. Vosotros os graduabais You used to graduate Vosotros os graduabais de la secundaria con buenas notas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se graduaban You/they used to graduate Ellos se graduaban con honores. Graduarse Future Indicative Yo me graduarà © I will graduate Yo me graduarà © de la universidad. Tà º te graduarà ¡s You will graduate Tà º te graduarà ¡s de la escuela primaria. Usted/à ©l/ella se graduarà ¡ You/he/she will graduate Ella se graduarà ¡con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Nosotros nos graduaremos We will graduate Nosotros nos graduaremos juntos. Vosotros os graduarà ©is You will graduate Vosotros os graduarà ©is de la secundaria con buenas notas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se graduarà ¡n You/they will graduate Ellos se graduarà ¡n con honores. Graduarse Periphrastic Future Indicative To conjugate the periphrastic future you need the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive graduar. The reflexive pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb ir. Yo me voy a graduar I am going to graduate Yo me voya graduar de la universidad. Tà º te vasa graduar You are going to graduate Tà º te vasa graduar de la escuela primaria. Usted/à ©l/ella se vaa graduar You/he/she is going to graduate Ella se vaa graduar con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Nosotros nos vamosa graduar We are going to graduate Nosotros nos vamosa graduar juntos. Vosotros os vaisa graduar You are going to graduate Vosotros os vaisa graduar de la secundaria con buenas notas. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se vana graduar You/they are going to graduate Ellos se vana graduar con honores. Graduarse Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. The present progressive is usually formed with the auxiliary verb estar. When conjugating a reflexive verb, the reflexive pronoun should be placed before the conjugated verb estar, or you can attach it to the end of the present participle. Present Progressive ofGraduarse se està ¡ graduando / està ¡ graduà ¡ndose Is graduating Ella se està ¡ graduando con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Graduarse Past Participle The past participle can be used as an adjective or to form perfect tenses, such as the present perfect (with the auxiliary verb haber). When conjugating a reflexive verb, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb haber. Present Perfect of Graduarse se ha graduado Has graduated Ella se ha graduado con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Graduarse Conditional Indicative The conditional tense can be translated to English as would verb. It is used to talk about possibilities. Yo me graduarà a I would graduate Yo me graduarà a de la universidad si estudiara mà ¡s. Tà º te graduarà as You would graduate Tà º te graduarà as de la escuela primaria, pero debes repetir un aà ±o. Usted/à ©l/ella se graduarà a You/he/she would graduate Ella se graduarà acon un tà tulo en administracià ³n, pero se cambià ³ de carrera. Nosotros nos graduarà amos We would graduate Nosotros nos graduarà amos juntos si tuvià ©ramos la misma edad. Vosotros os graduarà ais You would graduate Vosotros os graduarà ais de la secundaria con buenas notas si fuerais mà ¡s aplicados. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se graduarà an You/they would graduate Ellos se graduarà an con honores, pero recibieron una mala calificacià ³n. Graduarse Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is used to talk about emotions, doubts, desires, recommendations, or other subjective situations. Que yo me gradà ºe That I graduate La profesora espera que yo megradà ºede la universidad. Que tà º te gradà ºes That you graduate El maestro espera que tà º tegradà ºes de la escuela primaria. Que usted/à ©l/ella segradà ºe That you/he/she graduate El jefe espera que ella segradà ºe con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Que nosotros nos graduemos That we graduate Esteban quiere que nosotros nos graduemos juntos. Que vosotros os graduà ©is That you graduate Papà ¡ pide que vosotros os graduà ©is de la secundaria con buenas notas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas segradà ºen That you/they graduate La directora espera que ellos segradà ºen con honores. Graduarse Imperfect Subjunctive There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. Option 1 Que yo me graduara That I graduated La profesora esperaba que yo megraduarade la universidad. Que tà º te graduaras That you graduated El maestro esperaba que tà º tegraduaras de la escuela primaria. Que usted/à ©l/ella segraduara That you/he/she graduated El jefe esperaba que ella segraduara con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Que nosotros nos graduà ¡ramos That we graduated Esteban querà a que nosotros nos graduà ¡ramosjuntos. Que vosotros os graduarais That you graduated Papà ¡ pedà a que vosotros os graduarais de la secundaria con buenas notas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas segraduaran That you/they graduated La directora esperaba que ellos segraduaran con honores. Option 2 Que yo me graduase That I graduated La profesora esperaba que yo megraduase de la universidad. Que tà º te graduases That you graduated El maestro esperaba que tà º tegraduases de la escuela primaria. Que usted/à ©l/ella segraduase That you/he/she graduated El jefe esperaba que ella segraduase con un tà tulo en administracià ³n. Que nosotros nos graduà ¡semos That we graduated Esteban querà a que nosotros nos graduà ¡semosjuntos. Que vosotros os graduaseis That you graduated Papà ¡ pedà a que vosotros os graduaseis de la secundaria con buenas notas. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas segraduasen That you/they graduated La directora esperaba que ellos segraduasen con honores. Graduarse Imperative The imperative mood is used to give orders or commands. Notice that the placement of the reflexive pronoun varies for positive and negative commands. Positive Commands Tà º gradà ºate Graduate!  ¡Gradà ºate de la escuela primaria! Usted gradà ºese Graduate!  ¡Gradà ºese con un tà tulo en administracià ³n! Nosotros graduà ©monos Let's graduate!  ¡Graduà ©monos juntos! Vosotros graduaos Graduate!  ¡Graduaos de la secundaria con buenas notas! Ustedes gradà ºense Graduate!  ¡Gradà ºense con honores! Negative Commands Tà º no te gradà ºes Don't graduate!  ¡No te gradà ºes de la escuela primaria! Usted no se gradà ºe Don't graduate!  ¡No se gradà ºe con un tà tulo en administracià ³n! Nosotros no nos graduemos Let's not graduate!  ¡Nonos graduemos juntos! Vosotros no os graduà ©is Don't graduate!  ¡Noos graduà ©is de la secundaria con buenas notas! Ustedes no se gradà ºen Don't graduate!  ¡Nose gradà ºen con honores!
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Classical Theory Of Criminal Activity - 856 Words
It is only appropriate to believe that the severity of penalties given to an individual whom committed a crime should be proportionate to the crime in which they engaged in, no more than what is necessary, but enough in order to deter the offender from participating in another crime. This approach is applied in such ways because it is believed that criminal activity is a rational choice, chosen because they perceive it to be in their best interest. â€Å"Criminals make a rational choice and choose to do criminal acts due to maximum pleasure and minimum pain†(Classical School of Criminology, 2012) Cesare Beccaria contributed to the classical theory greatly, and introduced several attributions to the justice system which advanced it immensely. â€Å"Views were consistent with Beccaria’s utilitarian beliefs that sought to maximize the public benefit by achieving the greatest amount of good for the most people†. (Newman, Freilich 133 1997; Newman Margongiu, 1997) T he Classical Theory has resulted in positive advancements in the justice system for various reasons. Firstly, it is â€Å"forward-looking utilitarian models designed to promote the public good†(Freilich, J., 2014, 138), also, it â€Å"embraces scientific principles to achieve their goals and seek to temper harsh punishments of their times†(Freilich, J., 2014, 138). These are beneficial for the justice system because communities independently choose the crime reduction strategy which they are comfortable with, and believe willShow MoreRelatedThe Classical School Of Thought889 Words  | 4 PagesAs early as the 18th century, theorists have hypothesized the reasons behind criminal behavior. Theorists during the Enlightenment Period dismissed the preconceived notions that deviant behavior was the result of supernatural causes and ushered in an era that highlighted criminality as a rational choice decided by a person’s own free will. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Study On How Sleep Disorder Affects Mental And Physical...
Title Line Title Line 2 Sondra Saterfield Canada College Introduction Every living being need to sleep. Sleeping is an important part of our daily life. Sleep has been connected with wellbeing of human body. Adequate amount of sleep is important especially in children. It is because sleep is in fact the primary activity of brain development in preschooler and it directly impacts mental and physical development. Several studies has been performed to study the consequence of sleep disorder or sleep problem. Preschooler should get proper sleep because lack of sleep can leads to various problem such as ADHD, obesity and may impact Executive Function. ADHD has been connected with variety of sleep problems. More than 50 % of parents whose children has ADHD report that their children suffer from sleep problem (â€Å"ADHD,†2016). ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to WebMD it’s a condition with symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity. The sleep problem range from falling asleep to staying asleep. More precisely Children with ADHD have trouble staying still in on place, staying focused and controlling their behavior and emotions. This can very much lead to poor social skills, isolation and poor academic performance. Murphy(2012) suggested that the children whose sleep was affected by sleep apnea were 40 percent to 100 percent more likely than normal sleep habits to develop behavior problems that resemble that ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sleep On The Human Body And Mind Requires A Regulated Sleep And Wake Cycle1729 Words  | 7 Pagesregulated sleep and wake pattern in order to naturally restore homeostasis and provide healthier functioning in regards to it’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and somatic response to it’s environment. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Service Philosophy Essay Public Services - 823 Words
Public Service Philosophy Essay â€Å"Public service†is a very vague idea for me. To me, there isn’t a definite definition that can distinguish what is public service or not. From our reading, it was pointed out that what public service used to mean, and what it now means has changed immeasurably. From Jobs That Matter, Heather Krasna defines public service as significantly contributing â€Å"to solving problems in society or the world.†I think the idea of â€Å"significantly contributing†to society can be demoralizing to even the most altruistic of citizens. If I had to pinpoint what public service is, I believe public service is volunteering one’s time and energy for the greater good of the society as a whole. It’s the selfless pursuit of†¦show more content†¦Public service works can be found in both the public and private sector. Some obvious examples of public service works would be a public school teacher, servicemen and women, and social workers. The se jobs tend to contribute to the public good. Intuitively, works that wouldn’t be considered public service would be jobs that principally intent to serve for the profit of private individuals and conglomerates. With that said, I would consider private bankers and entrepreneurs as non-public service work. I think there are apparent principle or a set of criteria by which we can distinguish between public service work and non-public service work. The things to look out for are the objective of the job and who it benefits. On a different note, proponents of Capitalism would argue that non-public service work like an entrepreneur would indirectly lead to public good. Their business endeavors can lead to many job creation, and their products can benefit the public. This idea of an â€Å"invisible hand†, coined by Adam Smith, believes that an individual pursuing their own interest can ultimately benefit the public good more than if the individual was pursuing the interest of the public. The same proponents would argue that their work has contributed more to society than governmental, â€Å"public service†work. Honestly,Show MoreRelatedImplementing Different Policing Strategies773 Words  | 3 Pagesthe purpose. Community policing is one of the philosophy in which most of the countries effectively working with it. According to U. S. Department of Justice Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social, and fear of crime (n.d). This essay critically examines the conditions, which wouldRead MorePolice Enforcement And The Security Of The Virtual City Police Department1280 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract This essay is an examination of community policing as it relates to the interests of the Virtual City Police Department. 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Ancient Greek Marital and Gender Roles Free Essays
string(176) " seen through the emphasis on family, and sexual desire that procreation was not so much a choice as it is today but an obligation and duty of each and every able-bodied male\." Ancient Greek Marital and Gender Roles *Note: All claims are assumptions based off of textual clues and are not to be understood as fact but to be recognized as potential truths. The roles of men and women in Ancient Greek civilization can never be fully understood since no one alive today existed during their era. That being said, analysis of texts written by Ancient Greek authors provides us with insight into how their culture viewed both genders. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Greek Marital and Gender Roles or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is through these texts that scholars can identify customary actions of single and married couples. Questions such as: should women save themselves for marriage, Are men the providers, And were women expected to be subservient in a patriarchal society can all be answered through textual understanding. As we prepare to dive into ancient texts and learn about the Greek culture of old, one must understand the importance of utilizing multiple authors. Without calling upon a variety of texts, a credible and thorough theory on how Ancient Greek individuals acted cannot be erected. For the purposes of this analysis the authors Euripides, Aeschylus, and Homer will be employed with the prospect of further understanding Ancient Greek gender and marital roles. Taking into account the differences among these texts in authorship and date, we will burden three main tasks: identify what makes a good husband and good wife, discern if and why one role receives more attention than the other, and conclude what ancient Greek social norms may have been from the way these texts depict marital relationships. Euripides’, Hippolytus, provides a sturdy backbone for understanding how Ancient Greek civilization viewed gender roles. Before reading a text it is important not to have a narrow scope. This means that one should not only focus on the perceived main character, but rather consider how every character may depict an aspect of the then current culture. Despite being titled Hippolytus, it is crucial not to only concentrate on the character Hippolytus. In fact, there may be just as much if not more to be learned from Phaedra. Phaedra, being the stepmother of Hippolytus, supplies a situation where her actions toward Hippolytus can be used in understanding the expected actions of married females toward single males. After Phaedra earns that her nurse has disclosed the sensitive information about her romantic feelings for Hippolytus to him and that he has rejected her she takes her own life out of shame. However, she leaves a note for her husband – Hippolytus’ father – Theseus, claiming that his son has raped her. This action reveals that perhaps it was not uncommon for women to take their lives after being sexually violated. With that in mind, it may be inferred that sexual purity was expected of women, that once a woman has been tainted by a male who was not her partner she loses her respect, honor, and desirability. In addition, Theseus’ reaction allows us to see even further into gender relationships and societal norms. Theseus takes the offensive against Hippolytus, cursing him and subsequently causing his death. Nevertheless, instead of coming to the hasty conclusion that Theseus is emotionally volatile and lacking the ability to understand, it is pertinent that one stops and asks: â€Å"Why may he have acted this way? †For where most mistakes are made in textual analysis is through hasty generalizations based on current era norms. Indeed, in todays world Theseus’ reaction would lead to his imprisonment and mandatory meetings with a psychiatrist but this was not always so. In Ancient Greece honor was critical and helped in determining social status. Euripides lived during the end of the Persian Wars and much like the notorious Spartans, the Athenians considered honor for themselves and their family to be of the utmost importance. With this in mind we will take another look at Theseus’ reaction and how it provides insight into Ancient Greek culture. It is possible that Theseus reaction would have been of the norm during his time. It was most likely seen as dishonorable to commit suicide as well as to lie; therefore, Theseus would not dare question the claims made by his wife. Theseus was trying to protect his honor as well as that of his family by taking action against he who had supposedly raped his wife. Society may have expected him to avenge Phaedra’s death. This shows that a married couple was a strong unit, that each must have trust in each other; it was not their duty to question the word of their partner. Bearing everything in mind it can be deduced that a good husband is one who protects his family and a good wife one who is loyal, even if it means taking their own life. Nevertheless, the male gender role stresses honor over family. Moreover, when honor and family conflict, family loses – hence the death of Hippolytus. Euripides portrayal of Hippolytus assists in depicting how men were expected to act in society. Hippolytus serves as a paradigm for a man who does not meet the standards of the societal norm. We are able to identify that Hippolytus is not a normal Athenian male because the goddess Aphrodite punishes him for his actions. He is a boy who has not yet become a man; he shows that it was not acceptable for males in Ancient society to resist maturity. His wish to remain abstinent, or more so his lack of sexual desire is common among the youth but not a matured male. Aphrodite is used to receiving praise and worship from the male population and because Hippolytus does not worship her – but instead the virgin goddess Artemis – she chooses to punish him. His punishment allows us to infer that all men were required to seek out a woman when they reached the age of maturity. Those who did not most likely brought shame to themselves and their family. Moreover, it can be seen through the emphasis on family, and sexual desire that procreation was not so much a choice as it is today but an obligation and duty of each and every able-bodied male. You read "Ancient Greek Marital and Gender Roles" in category "Papers" Ultimately, Euripides’ Hippolytus sheds a lot of light on social norms regarding gender roles. During the time period in Ancient Greece while Euripides was alive – estimated between 484 – 407 B. C. E. (Before Current Era) – the prevalence of honor was paramount, effecting the actions and choices made by both males and females. It was the duty of the male to protect and maintain honor for his family by taking action against those who threaten or harm the fortitude of his family. But first it is his societal obligation to wed a woman and create a family. On the other hand women are important members of society, their word bears weight in discussion and decision, it is their duty to love and protect their family as well as to maintain honor for themselves by being loyal companions even if it means taking their own life. Although the assumptions made off of textual clues in Hippolytus appear valid, it is still important to consider other ancient texts. The Odyssey by Homer is another text that provides clues toward how Ancient Greek civilization regarded gender and marital roles. There appears to be an undisputable amount of evidence supporting that there was a double standard between men and women on how they should act toward the opposite sex. Odysseus engages in sexual activities with a large amount of women on his journey home to Ithaca. Whereas despite not having not seen her husband for twenty years Penelope remains loyal even though she has a crowd of suitors desiring her bed. Odysseus’ behavior leads to the belief that it was acceptable for Greek males to cheat on their wives. However, there is not enough evidence that supports that his behavior was acceptable. Additionally his circumstances were not of the norm so it is unfair to say that Odysseus’ behavior corresponded with that of the average Greek male. The important part of Odysseus and Penelope’s relationship that does speak to the social norms of society is the devotion held toward one another. Penelope’s decision to remain loyal to her husband even after twenty years of absence says a lot about Greek women. It can be inferred that marriage was a huge deal and loyalty an even bigger one. If Penelope had chosen another suitor before knowing if Odysseus was dead or not then she could have potentially brought dishonor to herself and her family. The importance of loyalty and marriage is stressed by Penelope’s actions. Additionally, she shows that to be a good wife is to be a committed wife. In comparison, although Odysseus is not loyal like Penelope, he shows that it is the duty of a husband to make it home to his wife and to always put family first. The fact that Odysseus wants more than anything to return home and see his wife – so badly that he even gives up his potential life with Calypso – supports that commitment to one’s family is the most important duty of a Greek male. When Odysseus does return home and finds that suitors have overrun his house he takes action and eliminates all of them. Although it may be argued that a couple of the suitors were genuine, decent people and should not have been killed, his decision to kill all of them attests to the duties of a good husband. The suitors entering his home without verification of his death was a strike at his honor. It is from his decision to eliminate all of the suitors that we can learn about how Ancient Greek society viewed the male gender role. Men were expected to be strong and to protect the honor of their home, to enter discussion over who was the most in the wrong displayed weakness. In order for a man to reclaim his good name he must do away with any and all threats. This notion toward the expectations for Ancient Greek male gender roles is further supported by the actions of Odysseus’ son Telemachus. Telemachus had never met his father but still decided to set out on an expedition to find him. The fact that Telemachus had never met Odysseus when he decided to risk his life to find him validates the importance of family. Clearly common ethics in Ancient Greek civilization endorsed family over everything. A son was expected to fight for his family no matter how close his relationship with the rest of his family may be. Normal male gender roles were to maintain honor and protect one’s family. Homer’s The Odyssey and Euripides Hippolytus both share common characteristics in their insight into Ancient Greek marital and social gender roles. The overwhelming aspect of both texts that appears to be the focal point of Ancient Greek culture is family commitment. All clues point toward both marital roles to be to preserve and protect the honor of one’s family as well as the importance of having one. The assumption can be made that in order to be a good wife she must be loyal and honest, whereas to be a good husband he must also be devoted, putting his loved ones before himself and honor above all else. There does not appear to be one gender that receives more attention, supporting that both genders played a vital role in ancient culture. In contrast with the previous two texts, Aeschylus’ Oresteia: Agamemnon offers a different approach in addressing Ancient Greek cultural norms relating to marital and gender roles. While Agamemnon is gone for ten years at the Trojan war his wife Clytemnestra conspires against him with her lover Aegisthus. To be fair, Agamemnon had sacrificed their daughter in order to have the wind be on his side. Before we continue let us analyze how this depicts Ancient Greek marital roles. The relationship between Agamemnon and Clytemnestra is incredibly strained after he sacrifices their daughter Iphigenia. However, if emotions are withheld it can be seen that perhaps Agamemnon’s marital and gender role supported his decision. As was seen with the death of Hippolytus, stemming from Theseus’ duty to uphold his principles, it can be inferred that the requirement for a male to preserve his honor comes before family. Although taking a different approach, Oresteia: Agamemnon, has the same main principles regarding marital roles. Except this text allows us to see what happens when roles compete. As the story progresses more insight is provided into how marital roles are affected when one takes precedence over another. When Agamemnon returns home he brings with him a new woman, Cassandra. After arguing with his wife about not wanting to display excess hubris by walking on the purple carpet their time together becomes very strained. Shortly after his return Clytemnestra murders Agamemnon and Cassandra. Her catharsis is complete after committing these murders and uses the sacrifice of Iphigenia as justification for her actions. Both the love affair of Clytemnestra with Aegisthus and Agamemnon with Cassandra hint that perhaps there were a little bit more public scandalous acts that took place in Ancient Greece than the other two texts let on. We have learned that in order to be a good wife she must protect her family and be loyal to her husband. The text written by Aeschylus explicitly proves that when a wife must choose between loyalty to her husband and protection of her family she will choose her family. Regardless of the obvious differences between this text and the two priors they all three present Ancient Greek gender and marital roles to be comprised of the same basic principles. That being said, all three illuminate a new characteristic. After analyzing all the texts it can be assumed that Greek culture revolved around family, loyalty, and honor. A good wife is a woman who puts her family first and remains loyal to her husband no matter what the circumstances. Likewise a good husband defends the honor of himself whilst remaining devoted to his family. Nonetheless, after further analysis it can be argued that social norms for marital roles did not always go hand in hand with what a â€Å"good†husband or wife should do. This is because certain roles are emphasized more than others. When a wife chooses her children over her husband or a man defends his honor at the consequence of his family he or she can no long fit into the paradigm for a â€Å"good†husband or wife. In another text written by Euripides, Medea, the view into the past is much different than that of Hippolytus or any of the other texts. That being said, it is crucial to analyze the new perspective in order to formulate an educated theory on what Ancient Greek marital roles used to be. Jason and Medea are married with children when Jason chooses to suddenly leave to marry the daughter of the king of Corinth. Euripides is insinuating that in some instances male gender roles overpower their marital roles. As a Greek man it is his duty to gain honor and status as well as to create a family. However, as a Greek husband it is his duty to be devoted to his family and to never leave them. From this text we can infer that the desire of a man to achieve honor and status can lead some men to abandon their families. The prospect of one day being king is too much for Jason, he leaves and forgoes his marital roles. His choice to relieve himself of his duties as a husband infers that not all men in Ancient Greece were morally sound, taking a very loose interpretation of the word â€Å"honor. †Additionally, Medea involves herself in some actions that go against what would be considered socially preferable. Medea is distraught and angry after Jason abandons her and the children. She takes action by plotting to hurt Jason the way that he hurt her. Medea gives Jason’s new wife a poisoned robe that burns her flesh off and murders her own two children in hopes to harm Jason. By murdering both Jason’s wife and her children she is exhibiting revenge with the only intention of benefiting herself. This act infers that there were many citizens of Ancient Greece who did not regard the normal social roles. Unlike Agamemnon who sacrificed his daughter to fulfill one of his societal roles, Medea acts completely outside of the norm by murdering her children in cold blood. Euripides may potentially be trying to express that there are always going to be individuals that act radically opposite to what is at the time considered normal. A distinction that must be recognized is that between gender roles and marital roles with the understanding that they sometimes overlap. It seems as if more attention is placed on gender roles than marital roles. For instance, Odysseus chooses to cheat on his wife, Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter, Clytemnestra murders her husband, and Jason deserts his family. After analyzing all of the texts we can finally make an educated decision on what marital and gender roles were like in Ancient Greece. It appears that Ancient Greek society had determined roles for both men and women and they were meant to be adamantly revered. A good husband was considered to be a man who was devoted to his family and defended the honor of himself and his home. He recognized that there is no honor in hurting loved ones, no matter what the outcome. Additionally, a good wife was a woman who was completely loyal to her husband and her family, protecting them by whatever means necessary. However, thorough analysis reveals that there were often times people who went against what would be deemed â€Å"good†because they made a choice when roles conflicted that ensued a consequence for a loved one to bear. And finally there were those who went against the grain completely. Overall, Ancient Greek social norms involved family at the center and devotion from every member to each other. The reason there is such a strong emphasis placed on understanding, documenting, and analyzing history is because it is through historical analysis that scholars can infer as to how modern-day culture came to be. It is through investigation of historical texts and other mediums of recording history that allows us to track the progression of people and their roles in society. In the current era people are still learning more about how past societies operated and what led to their development. From Homer to Hemmingway there is always more that can be learned through textual analysis, whether it be a historical primary source or not. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Struck, Peter T. â€Å"ClSt 200 – Greek Tragedy. †ClSt 200 – Greek Tragedy. N. p. , 2000. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . How to cite Ancient Greek Marital and Gender Roles, Papers
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