Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Bad Haircut Stories of the Seventies by Tom...
Everyone faces varying degrees of peer pressure at least once in their lifetime, but what matters is how one reacts. In Bad Haircutâ€â€a collection of short storiesâ€â€the author, Tom Perrotta, examines the effect of peer pressure on the main character, Buddy, in a comical yet informative light. Buddy faces peer pressure consistently and ends up associating with the wrong people, due to a lack of backbone. Yet Buddy is different and a better person than those who he associates with because he is compassionate and able to recognize that he is a follower; therein lies the irony that only the reader sees Buddy’s merit while the other characters only see the results of his friends’ poor judgment. Buddy’s sense of right from wrong is strong to†¦show more content†¦What is also ironic is the fact that Buddy is a part of the Boy Scouts, something that’s supposed to be instilling America’s best values in young men, yet his troop is far from â€Å"America’s best.†This is a reoccurring theme in Bad Haircut, whereby Buddy associates himself with groups that are supposed to have a good reputation, but instead are spoiled by bad people. During his teenage years, little had changed for Buddy and his choice of friends. One would think that a good but weak child would overcome his difficulties, but instead of progressing from his small act of bravado during Boy Scouts, Buddy’s reputation and friend choices went south. After a dance Buddy follows his friends along for a race riot, conspiring with the likes of people like â€Å"Rat Man†and Norman LaVerne, famed for running over a cat â€Å"with a lawn mower†(Perrotta 50). Even though the riot gets broken up, Buddy still manages to weasel his way back into a sticky situation. Once the plan is set to steal an African-American boy’s basketball, Buddy doesn’t â€Å"object, even though I had to do the dirty work†(Perrotta 63). Buddy does exactly what he’s told and steals the basketball, just like a little drone should. But the reader sees his compassion right after he steals the ball because Buddy â€Å"couldn’t shake the feeling that I held his head in my hand†(Perrotta 64). His guilt and contemplation are further expressed once he comes home late for curfew with the basketball and faces his
Monday, December 16, 2019
Essay about Should Marijuana be Legalized - 968 Words
Should marijuana be legalized for recreational or medical use? This is a debate that has been happening for quite some time and this is not just a debate that is happening among people. There are many that have taken sides including medical personal and government officials. Currently in the United States there are two states in which recreational use of marijuana is legal; Colorado and Washington. There are three states currently that have pending legislation to legalize recreational use; California, Maine, and Oregon. On the other hand there are 21 states in which medical use of marijuana is legal; Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New†¦show more content†¦Let’s also assume that marijuana costs $15 a gram and of those 75,000,000 people smoking they smoke 5 grams a week. After calculations of 5 grams a week at $15 a gram times the 75,000,000 people that use, the t otal revenue would be $5,625,000,000, most of which if regulated by the government would be profit. Would it be more beneficial to society for this substantial amount of money to continue to be made by the illegal drug trade or the economy? Legalizing marijuana would also create jobs. The government would need to employ many Americans to produce and regulate the sales and distribution of the product. Facilities to grow and sell the product would be required and therefore people to run the facilities would be required. Another bonus is the fact that law enforcement can focus on other more serious crime issues within the community, instead of utilizing time and resources on marijuana. The number of people arrested yearly for marijuana offenses outweighs the total number arrested for violent crimes including murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. This also puts a strain on the prison systems that house these offenders which are mostly hard working Americans who simply smoke to relax. While these are all good points those who oppose the legalization state that marijuana is still a drug that alters perception, it is addictive, and long term useShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words  | 4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana†1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high†or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana†1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words  | 6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words  | 5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.  Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words  | 5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high†feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words  | 5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words  | 6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot†smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words  | 6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1145 Words  | 5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that has been actively used for centuries. This drug can be traced back to 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He spoke about the euphoric effects of Cannabis and even referred to it as the â€Å"Liberator of Sin.†Since early on, marijuana was seen as a medicinal plant that was recommended for medical uses. Marijuana is currently in schedule I, which means that physicians are not allowed to prescribe it in the United States (Hart, Ksir 2013). This drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words  | 7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the m edical side of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this would
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Contract Agreement
Question: What is the concept of a contract and when can an agreement be termed as a contract? Answer: The matter given here is about Henrietta and her engagement with a solicitor firm. She seeks relief from the firm regarding a personal disturbance causing her nuisance. The incident and her engagement explain that there was a presence of contract between them, and hence, they can be termed as the party to the contract. Now the question arises that what is the concept of a contract and when can an agreement be termed as a contract? The answer to the question is that a contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two concerned parties with the presence of a willful consent and under goodwill (McKendrick 2014). The contract has different forms, but the fundamental rule of the contract is to have an offer and an acceptance of the proposal or the offer.The agreement or the contract comes with the property of legal enforceability, so if there is an absence of the mentioned property, then that will turn into a breach of contract. Upon such cases, the concerned party is liable to comp ensate aggrieved party since the good faith is hampered and caused some amount of mental distress. A similar property is noticed in the given matter, where the clerk made the matter worse due to the incompetence and lack of experience that caused her mental distress. Discussion: The matter given here explains that Henrietta's engagement with the solicitor firm makes them liable to dispose of the duty as promised under the clause of the agreement. Since the contract is legally enforceable hence the offeror becomes responsible to the offeree, (Furmston, et al. 2012). The act of the firms handling the matter to the inexperienced and unqualified clerk created a breach of contract. The act not only caused mental distress to Henrietta but also made the matter worse and her problem increased instead of attaining relief causing her mental distress.The agreement occurred with the voluntary consent from Henrietta with the good faith that the problem will solve with the working of experienced people, but later the firm hampered her good faith. The similar situation is observed in the case of Alcatel Australia Ltd v Scarcella, where the court observed that there must be a presence of good faith during the formation of the agreement. The parties involved are expected to understand the terms of a contract and must be well informed about the clauses in clear language, and there must be an absence of doubt before the commencement of the agreement. The amendments intended to be well informed to the party before the commencement of the agreement which otherwise causes mental agony and harassment to the party. The famous matter of Balfour v Balfour decided at the high Court in Australia observed the same property of presence of an intention for creating an agreement. As explained by (Chen-Wishart 2012), there is a presence of some vitiating terms in the contract. The vitiating terms of the contract are some of the negative factors in an agreement explaining the discussion of frustration, wrong assumptions, non-disclosure, duress and above all misrepresentation.The primary concern of the debate in this matter regards the mental distress and the damage caused due to the breach of the disability required to explore the contract. The concept of the mental ag ony is put forward by different views of the scholar explaining various effects occurring from such mental distress. As explained by (Taskar 2015), the claim presented by the party regarding the mental distress due to the unfulfillment of the responsibility and the duty gets imposed upon the concerned party who is responsible for such damage. The same factor observed in the matter of Addis v. Gramophone co. also in the case of Trans Trust S.P.R.L v. Danubian Trading Co, where the suggestion of the courts decision explained about the availability of the damages caused due to the inconsistency from the party while disposing of duty towards the other party. A very famous case of Bliss v. South East Thames Regional Health Authority took here for reference best suited to explain the situation of the matter of Henrietta. The court explained that for the party in mental distress there is an availability of the damages irrespective of what is described and mentioned as the terms of the cont ract. The court even explained that the damages get limited within a particular stage of the contract. The compensation for the mental damage should be in a form providing recovery of the mental distress and cause of agony to the aggrieved, (Cartwright 2014).The fundamental principle is that the disability of the contract occurred because of the partys inability to fulfill the liability as imposed and promised under the contractual agreement, (Willmott et al. 2013). It is a concept of mere rationalization of the breach of the contract where the inability causes agony and emotionally distressed. However, the realm of the mental distress increases with the rationality of the inability. Vorvis v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, the court observed that some confusion were there that needed to be cleared regarding the concept of the distress and humiliation that falls under the liability for the covering damage in the form of compensation(Harder 2014).The intention to mention the various cases is to relate the matter and observe as similar facts happen to Henrietta mentioned as the aggrieved party in the given situation. The mentioning of the case even holds the intention that she will come to know her rights under the damage caused due to the breach of contract. The corrective procedure will be same as in the case of the matters mentioned for referring the condition of Henrietta. On support of the statements, the following facts to be mentioned as the rights of Henrietta from the solicitor firm due to the breach of contract:1. The duty not performed with good faith and classified as the breach of contract. If the solicitor firm was not competent to provide the service as promised, they are liable to inform the same during the formation of the contract, known as the anticipatory breach. In such matters, the party may ask for partial damage compensation and has an assumption about the competency of the party. Exceptions can be there since there was an ass umption beforehand and the party did not breach the promissory note in a full sense. 2. Delivering of the incomplete performance explains the lack of fulfillment of the contractual obligations as described by (Lando 2016). Breach of the performance causes the violation of a promise, and the aggrieved party holds the right not to accept such duty likely to extend the distress.Henrietta asked for mental relief from an existing problem where the solicitor firm had a simple duty to apply for an injunction over the party causing distress to their client. The firm not only showed their incompetence but even made the matter worse by handling it to one of the inexperienced and incompetent clerk. 3. The act caused termination of the promise as mentioned conditions and damage due to the same factor. Any breach entitled from such damage results in the termination of the contract. 4. The warranty of the contract was not taken care, and the party had to face a prolonged distress.5. Innominate te rms: the concept explains the intensity of the contractual damage caused to the party involved in the contract. The intensity explains the extremity of the damage caused and its depth to reach damage to the aggrieved party, Koompahtoo Local Aboriginal Land Council v Sanpine Pty Ltd.6. The given matter explains about the frustration in the contract. The frustration explained as the mental distress and increase of the tensions occurred due to the unfulfillment of the contractual obligations. The given matter is related to the concept of the frustration because the incompetency of the clerk increased the problem that Henrietta faced for a long time. The matter became even worse instead of getting recovered. Conclusion: Considering the facts as mentioned for the given matter about Henrietta, the basic conclusion that can be drawn from the case is that the court does not excuse the party that caused a deliberate mental agony to the concerned party in the contract. Every mental distress matters must be compensated for the part of the party that caused such damage. It even suggests about the evolving and growing aspect of the contractual obligations to give importance to the aggrieved party in the agreement.The discussion in this matter explains about the intensity to understand the importance of the party in the contract. The introduction of the damage payment in the form of compensation has been mandatory so that the parties to the contract do not gets mislead with the terms and its interpretation. It is expected from the party to the contract must have a clear conception about the entire terms mentioned in the obligatory part and the language must be clear and any amendment of the terms are expected to inform the parties involved by the concerned party or the offeror. So, it is clear that Henrietta is liable to get the damages from the concerned solicitor firm. The concerned firm proved the incompetence by handling the matter to some inexperienced clerk further providing mental agony and worsening the condition of existing dispute. References: Andrews, N., 2015. Contract law. Cambridge University Press.Ayres, I., 2012. Studies in Contract Law. Foundation Press.Buell, S.W., DeMott, D.A., Cox, J.D., Young, E.A. and Lipton, A., 2014. Brief of Common Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents.Burrows, A., 2016. Illegality as a Defence in Contract. Available at SSRN 2758797.Carter, J.W., 2012. Cases and materials on contract law in Australia. LexisNexis Butterworths.Cartwright, J., 2014. Contract law: An introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer. AC Black.Chen-Wishart, M., 2012. Contract law. Oxford University Press.Corones, S.G., 2013. The Australian Consumer Law. Thomson Reuters, Lawbook Co..Furmston, M.P., Cheshire, G.C. and Fifoot, C.H.S., 2012. Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's law of contract. Oxford university press.Gergen, M.P., 2013. Negligent Misrepresentation as Contract. California Law Review, 1, p.953.Harder, S., 2014. Claims between a person liable for misrepresentation and the rep resentee's contract-partner. Journal of business law, (2), pp.121-139.Lando, H., 2016. Optimal rules of negligent misrepresentation in insurance contract law. International Review of Law and Economics, 46, pp.70-77.McKendrick, E., 2014. Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK).McLauchlan, D., 2015. Liability under Hedley Byrne for'pre-contract'negligent misrepresentation: a New Zealand perspective.Poole, J., 2014. Textbook on contract law. Oxford University Press, USA.Taskar, B.D., 2015. The Doctrine of Consideration.Turner, C., 2013. Unlocking contract law. Routledge.Willmott, L., Christensen, S., Butler, D. and Dixon, B., 2013. Contract law. Oxford University Press.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Should Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control free essay sample
This raises the question, should teenagers be allowed to receive birth control methods without their parents’ permission. The answer is teenage girls should not be allowed to receive birth control without parent consent. There are many reasons why birth control methods should not be available to teenagers without their parent’s knowledge. Among the reasons are because this encourages premarital sex, it hinders communication between parent and child, and it forces the child to make adult decisions about medication, and that can be harmful to the teen. Foremost, I believe it is appropriate to keep in mind that one is not granted the ability to vote until they reach the age of 18. Laws and procedures vary from state to state, even though most states do not have a law about receiving birth control methods. But the idea of teens making a decision to add medication into their daily lives is ridiculous, even more since the government has already determined that they are not ready to make an extremely important decision as far as voting. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore allowing teens to obtain prescription birth control without parents’ knowledge interferes with the parent/child relationship. There are rules and regulations that require government funded hospitals to contact parents if their teenager would like to receive prescription birth control and sometimes this encourage sexual activity among teenagers. I feel that if teenagers under 16, need have to have their parents’ consent to have surgery and to receive medical treatment, birth control should not excluded. Birth control should also be of importance. I believe that parents should know what activities their teenagers are participating in; and since the government holds the parents responsible for our children. Being a parent I feel the parent should have in the situation. I feel that any great parent should care about the interest of their child wants to know whether their teenage daughter is going to the public clinic to get receive birth control; and any good parent would want to help their teenager make the right choices and good decisions on the matter, and to help the teenager from making bad choices without the parents’ consent. Certain states have laws against people who are under the age of sixteen, when it comes to them having sex. Health risks that are associated with prescribed birth control make it unethical to allow children to obtain these medicines without parent consent. Common side effects of early usage of birth control include nutrient deficiency, weight gain, mood changes, and depression (www. kidshealth. org). A prescribed birth control method also puts users at a higher risk of PMS, depression, migraines, and all kind of maladies (www. womenhealth. org) due to the risk of developing yeast problems. But without having the proper research, a teenager really has no way of knowing or understanding the health risks that comes with taking birth control methods. Therefore, it is important that parents’ know and be involved in their children’s life decisions. Even though their argument is that birth control reduces the number of teen pregnancies, prescribed birth control does not protect an individual from STD’s. If teenagers were able to obtain prescription birth control without prenatal consent, we may actually see a jump in STD’s among teens. Teenagers that are sexually active are a problem that has to be addressed. Curiosity arises in the minds of teenager every, they want to know what sex is all about. My religion which is Christianity, instructs us to wait until they are married to have begun to have sex. But not only in churches is abstinence being preached, but public schools is adding this to their curriculum, and teaching the teenagers about the greatness of keeping their virginity. Teenagers having sex before marriage is a growing issue among teenagers. Sex before marriage is the cause of teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional distress. Sexually transmitted diseases show in a society of teenagers that are having premarital sex, because teenagers have so many different sex partners. Therefore, a result to teenagers having sex is the different disease which is becoming more common in the teenage population. Because, for this is that the teenagers don not know how to use the different birth control methods. Many teenagers believe that the pill or condoms stop the spread of AIDs, other diseases, and herpes so, the contraceptives do not prevent these diseases from spreading. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers are reported each year. (www. helpme. com) There are so many teens that feel that there is nothing wrong in having sex before marriage, but having sexual relations with numerous people from age 15 and 19 doubles the diseases that have been spreading to different people every time. Because teenagers are having more sexual relationships, it seems that it is being more accepted among the public, and this is causing even more teenagers to start in having sexual relationships. Many teens believed that they were pressured into having sex. But if the community has the strength to pressure teenagers into having sex, then society should be using education to help teach teenagers about how bad sex is before marriage. Teenagers that is engaging into sexual activities before marriage is a major cause of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers often believe that they cannot get pregnant, or being a parent cannot happen to them, but the teenage pregnancy rate is on the rise every year. Being careless is a great factoring in teenage pregnancy, whether it is the use of contraceptives, or choosing their sexual partner. Teenagers use the different methods of birth control wrong. Teenagers do not have the adult mentality to choose a partner they want to be with at their age, which causes them to make the wrong decisions about their partners, which cause them to make wrong decisions and here is an unwanted pregnancy. The majority of unwanted pregnancies occur because teenagers do not really do not see how easy it is to become pregnant, or how they should know how to use birth control methods correctly. A lot of teenagers feel that they love their significant other, and so they began plan for a baby but their focus is not to look at the financial obligations that follow. Sex before marriage can play a great role in a teenager’s emotional factor. Teenagers feel all kinds of, emotional loss after they engage into having sex before marriage. Some teenagers may not feel the emotions of having sex now, but as they get older, life begins to sink in. Rather the teenager experienced having an STD’s or an unplanned pregnancy, they began to regret and this causes the teen to feel bad about them and it causes depression. â€Å"In fact, a great number of teens, active in sexual relationships, and ninety percent actually regret their choices to have sex (www. helpme. com)†. Teenagers feel the shame when their relationship ends because, having sex before marriage is a great causes of depression among teenagers and the parents that feel they are responsible for their childish choices. Many teenagers claim, that abstinence is not cool and that being abstinent is impossible but I am here to tell you it only takes one word â€Å"NO†! They are economically dependent, and the teen moms are not able to spend time with their children. Whether the parents know that their child is pregnant this really affects the women emotionally and psychologically, her ability to continue going to school, and her finances are affected. Parents should be able to make sure they get all the love that their teenagers need. If the teenagers parents do not know are not aware, there is a problem that the parents and their teenage daughters bond will be messed up at a time when parental support is most important. Now in some cases, I feel that the teenager might not want to tell her parents that she needs birth control or that she is engaging into sexual activities, for example, if a teen has been abused by their parents maybe if they were to tell their parents they would feel threatened for their safety. This may be a circumstance which could get the law involved, it should not be taken advantage of to make it seem like the parents should be consulted over whether underage children should be able to receive birth control or not. For teenagers nearly around the ages of 16 to 18 the case for parental consent is clearly less convincing. There has to be a line drawn somewhere because society has these teenagers feeling they can do whatever they feel and it’s not right. I grew up in a very religious family, and of course my mother did not believe in having sex before marriage. That is why I feel that teenagers both boys and girls should not be able to receive any kind of birth control without their parents knowing. I feel that when a teenage should decide to worry about contraceptives parents should be notified. Too many things are going on in today’s society. And this just helps with the parent and child relationship because a parent and a child should have a bond that is unbreakable
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Online Sources for Nursery Tree Purchase and Delivery
Online Sources for Nursery Tree Purchase and Delivery High-quality seedlings can be found at reasonable prices on the Internet. You just have to know where to look. Try these sites the next time you need to purchase trees. They have been picked because of the convenience of online ordering, ease of site navigation and reputation. Note that these businesses are well established and have been growing trees for decades. They know how to do it right. Based in Grand Haven, Michigan, is a third generation business with an extraordinary selection of seedling conifers and sold as bare root and in plug containers. Not as extensive but just as attractive are their hardwood seedlings. They sell out early so request your order at least six months in advance. I ordered 50 bare root Eastern redcedars in December to be planted in Alabama. There was a March delivery from Michigan and I planted the seedlings in early April with a nearly 100 % survival rate. Virginia Department of Forestry The only government supplier of trees on this list, VDOF has been in the seedling business for over 90 years. They offer hundreds of conifers, hardwoods, and specialty packs. Their website is customer friendly very easy to use. VDOF provides an online catalog. Seedling costs are very reasonable and are mostly sold as bare-root planting stock. The best values are in quantities of 1000 and only sold during the dormant season. Arbor Day Tree Nursery The Arbor Day Foundation is a pioneer in tree promotion and care. I have been a member for years and get my annual bundle of seedlings that come with the membership. Their nursery includes a wide variety of fruit, nut, and flowering trees and you can get a significant member discount on bulk wildland trees for planting tracts with large acreage. Musser Forests Based in Indiana County, PA., Musser Forests has been growing quality plants for over 70 years. They offer hundreds of conifers and hardwoods plus their online store is well constructed, easy to use and has the largest selection of tree varieties found anywhere. Musser provides a free catalog and valuable information on tree care and planting. Seedling cost ranges widely according to species and size. Gurneys Seed and Nursery Company Based in Greendale, IN., Gurneys has been in the tree and plant business since 1866 and sells all types of nursery stock, including landscape trees, shrubs and fruit trees. Gurneys is one of the leading seed and nursery companies in the United States and very much present online. I particularly like their Official Blog and YouTube videos. They offer the top-rated flowering trees, shade trees, and trees for windbreaks. The Nursery at TyTy The TyTy, Georgia-based TyTy Nursery has been in the tree nursery and flower bulb business since 1978. This family business promises to provide each and every customer with the best product, fastest delivery, lowest price, and overall best service for your money. They are also one of the largest tree seedling sources online with an outstanding YouTube collection of how to plant videos.
Friday, November 22, 2019
What US Census Takers Do
What US Census Takers Do Americans who, for whatever reason, do not complete and return a Census Bureau questionnaire can expect a personal visit from a census taker or enumerator.What do the enumerators census takers have to do? According to Census Bureau Director Kenneth W. Prewitts April 5, 2000 testimony to the House Subcommittee on the Census, Each enumerator is given a binder of addresses in that area that includes all those addresses for which we have not received a completed questionnaire. Because houses without numbers and street name addresses can be difficult to find, enumerators in rural areas also receive maps that have the housing unit locations spotted on them. The enumerator must go to each address in the assignment area to complete the appropriate questionnaire (either short form or long form) for the housing unit and its occupants. Census Taker Key Takeaways Census Takers, or â€Å"Enumerators,†are employees of the U.S. Census Bureau who visit the homes of individuals who do not complete and return a census questionnaire. The Census Taker will interview any available adult member of the household in order to complete the census questionnaire.The Census Taker will make at least six attempts to visit the home, contact a resident, and complete the questionnaire.Like all Census Bureau employees, Census Takers are strictly prohibited by law from divulging any information gathered and may be fined and imprisoned for doing so. For each address, the enumerator must: Interview a household member at least 15 years of age and completes the assigned questionnaire. If the unit was occupied by a different household on Census Day, the enumerator completes a questionnaire for the occupants who lived there on Census Day by interviewing a knowledgeable person, such as a neighbor.If the current occupants were not enumerated elsewhere, the enumerator will also complete a census questionnaire for them for their Census Day address.If the housing unit was vacant on Census Day, the enumerator completes appropriate housing questions on the questionnaire by interviewing a knowledgeable person, such as a neighbor or apartment house manager.If the housing unit was demolished or otherwise nonexistent under census definitions, the enumerator completes a questionnaire that provides the reason why the unit should be deleted from the census address list, by interviewing a knowledgeable respondent such as a neighbor or apartment house manager. What if nobody's home? Will the census taker just go away? Yes, but he or she will most certainly be back. The enumerator must make up to six attempts to contact the resident and complete a questionnaire.If no one is home at an occupied housing unit, the enumerator obtains as much information as possible about how to contact the occupants from a neighbor, building manager, or another source.The enumerator also leaves a notice at the address that they have visited and provides a telephone number so the occupant can call back.The enumerator then makes up to two additional personal visits (3 in all) and three telephone attempts at contacting the household before obtaining as much information as possible to complete the questionnaire from a knowledgeable source. Enumerators are instructed to make their callbacks on different days of the week and at different times of day.The enumerator must maintain a record of callbacks that lists each type of callback made (telephone or personal visit) and the exact date and time it occurred. Enumerators are expected to obtain complete interviews but must o btain at least the status (occupied or vacant) and the number of people living in the unit. If the enumerator submits a questionnaire that contains this minimal level of data, the crew leader must check the enumerators record of callbacks for the housing unit to determine that procedures were properly followed. The crew leader also holds these cases for possible further follow-up to obtain more complete data. Crew leaders meet daily with each enumerator to pick up and check completed work.Crew leaders are expected to make sure that the enumerators produce quality work at a rate of 1 to 1.5 completed questionnaires per hour depending on the type of area covered. Crew leaders check each completed questionnaire for completeness and accuracy.In order to prevent falsification of the data by enumerators, a percentage of each enumerators work is verified for accuracy by a re-interview staff. This staff verifies a sample of each enumerators work and may also verify additional questionnaires from enumerators whose work differs significantly from that of other enumerators working for the same crew leader. An enumerator who is discovered falsifying data is dismissed immediately and all the work must be redone by another enumerator. And so it goes until a completed census questionnaire has been completed and turned into the local census office for every housing unit address in America.Like all other employees of the Census Bureau, enumerators are subject by law to severe penalties including imprisonment for divulging information outside of the required scope of their job. And remember, answering all census questionnaires is required by law. Census Taker Jobs for the 2020 Census With the 2020 Census fast approaching, the U.S. Census Bureau is now recruiting, hiring, and training thousands of people nationwide for temporary jobs.To be eligible for all 2020 Census job, you must:Be at least 18 years old.Have a valid Social Security number.Be a U.S. citizen.Have a valid email address.Complete an application and answer assessment questions. (Some assessment questions are available in Spanish. However, an English proficiency test may also be required.)Be registered as required by law with the Selective Service System or have a qualifying exemption, if you are a male born after Dec. 31, 1959.Pass a Census-performed criminal background check and a review of criminal records, including fingerprinting.Commit to completing training.Be available to work flexible hours, which can include days, evenings, and/or weekends.For most jobs- especially Census Taker- applicants must:Have a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle, unless public transportation is read ily available; andHave access to a computer with internet and an email account (to complete training).Persons interested in part or full-time census jobs may apply online at the Census Bureau’s very secure Census Careers Site. The application process takes about 30 minutes. You will need to provide your Social Security number, home address, email address, phone number, and your date and place of birth.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Integrated Communication Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Integrated Communication Marketing - Assignment Example hat can compel me to participate is that I will get a bonus point for sending an email to a prospective customer who in turn will also pass on the message. These bonus points can be redeemed for a product that is being marketed. I think viral marketing campaigns are effective with customers given that the recipients of messages are likely to respond if they realise that the information is coming from their peers. The consumers become anxious to read the message if they realise that it is coming from a close friend. When they find the message appealing, they are likely to pass on to their peers and friends. This means that viral marketing becomes inexpensive because the customers pass along the message to others. This is a very effective marketing strategy among a targeted market segment given that the consumers will get information about a product which compels them to respond. They can do this by trying the product and once satisfied, they can also convince their peers to purchase
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Deception in the investigative, interrogation, and testimonial Essay
Deception in the investigative, interrogation, and testimonial processes - Essay Example The fact is that the law often supports police detection, although police action is limited without an arrest or search warrant. The police conduct detection within a contradictory moral order wherein certain fidelities fuse with certain betrayals (Skotnick). The detection process has three stages and deception can and does occur in any or all of these (Skotnick, 1985). These are investigation, interrogation and testimony. Within the policeman's broad moral cognition, the acceptability of deception depends on the level of criminal process: It is most acceptable to the police and the courts at the investigation stage, less during interrogation and least at the testimonial stage in the courtroom. Increasingly stringent normative constrains account for the differences among the levels and stages. Courtroom testimony is given under oath, whereby witnesses sweat to tell only the truth and nothing but the truth. It is the norm to accept that a witness is telling the truth in court. Courtroom lying violates the basic justice system, which all the parties are assumed to uphold. A policeman who lies in the courtroom can work his way out of his predicament by insisting that judicial interpretations of his limitations can get on the way of his abil ity of performing his job. This appears to be true within the context of the forces, which operate within the investigative stage of an adversary system, wherein the end justifies the means. The policeman seems to have the "privilege" of lying to get to the truth in achieving justice through due process (Skotnick). It may be quaint and a contradiction of values and norms but it is also factual that police freely admit to deceiving suspects and defendants to catch them, yet lying policemen and detectives do not admit to committing perjury (Skotnick, 1985). Perjury is as systematic as police work and police know among themselves that they perjure as a norm rather than as an individual error. A study, conducted by Columbia law students on the effect of Mapp v. Ohio on police practices in New York City, on certain search and seizure cases showed that uniformed police fabricated grounds for arrest in narcotics cases in meeting the requirements of Mapp. This does not justify but only explains how police who falsely witness justify the practice for the sake of greater persuasiveness. They resort to lying as routine of shaking themselves out of a predicament or helping one another out of it and because of a skeptical attitude towards a system, which is disinclined towards the truth that would be favor able to the criminal. The law allows a policeman to lie during the investigative stage but forbids it during the testimonial stage in the courtroom where and when he is certain of the guilt of the suspect, unlike during the investigative stage. The lying policeman puts more value on a short-term objective of suppressing evidence than on the long-term principle of due process in protecting the dignity of the accused. The policeman's pursuit is to legitimize the evidence he presents rather than weigh and analyze its sufficiency. He is merely after complying with the arrest laws, although this compliance often involves manipulation
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Benjamin Marquez Essay Example for Free
Benjamin Marquez Essay Benjamin Marquez works to define identity as being beneficial but mostly keeps minorities in check socially, economically, and politically. Mexican Americans created identities in response to this discrimination and economic deprivation by aligning with four organizations: The Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice (SNEEJ), the Southwest Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), The Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC), and the Mexican American Women’s National Association (MANA). The Mexican-American organizations in this study are each seeking to advance its own concept of racial politics. The minority group status depicts exclusion based on race or culture and lower socioeconomic status; however, these are not the only defining features. Historically, they represent the most continual points of conflict between Mexican and Anglo Americans. The Racial discrimination had put Anglo Americans higher on the social ladder, not to mention skin color and being a majority. To build on the disadvantages faced by Mexican Americans they battle poverty, low wages, and unemployment. These concerns have been the basis of demands made by Mexican American activists for equal treatment before the law, nondiscrimination in hiring, access to higher education, and so son. The Author’s Thesis Benjamin Marquez argues that the political organizations formed are in response to social discrimination and economic deprivation. The four organizations broken down in his novel, he asserts, have completely different procedures and plan to battle a common cause of suppression of Mexican American people. Data/Evidence Offered The author, Benjamin Marquez, uses in-person and telephone interview to reveal how each of the four political organizations operated. The four political organizations focused on are The Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice (SNEEJ), the Southwest Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), The Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC), and the Mexican American Women’s National Association (MANA). There are hundreds of Mexican American organizations but Marquez narrowed his selection down because all four mentioned are well known in southwestern political, have a long record of successful organizing, and are supported by a large membership base. The four organizations chosen for this study are good examples of the regionally based organizations at work in Mexican-American communities. Benjamin Marquez made trips to each of the network’s headquarters to examine each organization’s records and materials. Unfort unately, a paper trail on each Mexican American organization was hard to come by because of a lack of record-keeping. Conclusion The argument Marquez gets across to his readers is that the reason for the hundreds of Mexican American organizations is to aid the uphill climb for Mexican Americans in the Anglo-dominated society; essentially, to counter racial discrimination that plagues the group from the beginning. Marquez makes it certain that discrimination is still felt among Mexican Americans and continues to be a significant problem. How these problems take shape in a political atmosphere is the focus of the book. The four political organizations the comprise the book are very different: The Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice (SNEEJ), the Southwest Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), The Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC), and the Mexican American Women’s National Association (MANA). While, within the organizations, there is at times political dissent the mission statement the members do not waiver from the mission statement. TAMACC’s long-standing demand for equal opportunity is a declaration that they are the Anglos equal and are determined to prove it. Still, the members make a point that they place important on the individual. Their intention is to acquire property and build large business enterprises. However, it is important to note, TAMACC activists are critics of racial, not economic, hierarchies. Simply, they believe that Mexican Americans will prosper if the business world is purged of racism. SNEEJ is the only group in Marquez’s study to issue a fully challenging identity on race, class, and culture. SNEEJ activists believe they have been exploited on a race, economic, and cultural level. They know that respect and recognition will come through land claims, political autonomy, and control over natural resources. In contrast, the Southwest IAF activists feel that bridging gaps between group boundaries will ultimately eliminate racism. IAF use commonalities between people of different groups such as religion as a gap-filler, where both parties can connect. Even poor racial minorities, if they really wanted to, could change political thought where they can get more recognition for their group. For IAF, cooperation, reconciliation, and compromise are articles of faith (117). Both groups, SNEEJ and Southwest IAF, see Mexican Americans as poor and deprived, organize in Mexican American neighborhoods, and strive for a better economic share of p ower and resources. Yet, as noted, they have radically different premises, values, and goals. They all agree Mexican-American people face profound socioeconomic problems but disagree on the appropriate remedy. Summary Criticism An Issue that sparked an interest and had relevance to my life was the perception of migrants in a foreign country and the perception of returning migrants to their countries of origin (17). The perception of migrants from two differing points of view is one that could be seen as discriminatory no matter how one looks at it. I noticed examples of this in two separate sections of the book. On page 17, Pà ©rez states migrants who have settled in a foreign country will experience discrimination, so will their children. People on the mainland still consider American-born Puerto Ricans foreign. So not only do parents feel alienated but so does the whole family. What is even more interesting is that first generation Americans from Puerto Rican families are not to identify as Puerto Rican (29). Gina Pà ©rez makes it clear through her personal experience with residents in San Sebastian as they questioned her about her identity. â€Å"Do you consider yourself Puerto Rican?†When she was taken by surprise at the question she was told, â€Å"That’s right, you are not Puerto Rican but of Puerto Rican descent†(29). The reasoning behind this, I assume, is because when one lives their life outside their cultural scene, they no longer can fully identify with the day-to-day life in the state of origin.  They experience cultural mixing and now practice a blend of cultures; a hybrid culture. I can completely understand where this ideology comes from because I too have experienced similar encounters. Since I am first generation born in the U.S., I overcame the same barriers. My parents are from India. The popular term used when referring to all people from India is Desi. When I take summer trips to India, I know my identity as an Indian is questioned because I am so immersed in the American culture and more often, that not, I am referred to as ABCD (American-Born Confused Desi). This is a term that implies that I am confused as to who I am and where I come from. A word I hear thrown around a little too much is progress. What does progress mean to the people of the United States and what does it mean to other countries? Gina Pà ©rez starts the second chapter off with the idea of progress that the people of Puerto Rico hold. When she drove into Pepino she was informed that there was so much change and Pepino was finally progressing in the twenty-first century. A familiar phrase she had heard in her field work three years ago. The change Pà ©rez was expecting does not seem to be there; at least, one that does not do justice to the word progress. I guess most of us who have chosen to live in such a changing and progress-driven country have a different way of evaluating progress. We do not see the small changes that make a big impact on the lives of people in different countries because most of the luxuries they strive for, we already hold. Coming across this dialogue exchange in the book makes we wonder if the rest of the world is playing catch-up with the United States; or whether they are pushing modernization when there is still a need to battle poverty and non-employment. Some of the aspects that come with progress are not even favorable to the people of small towns in Puerto Rico but they still move forward with this idea because it symbolizes the island’s modernity. Progress is marked by strip malls with mega stores, fast food chains, bigger roads and parking lots. I believe that building infrastructures does not address the bigger issues of poverty and discrimination. On top of that, I do not see a point in having a more material-based economy if the people cannot afford the prices.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
PIE CHART - Data Visualization for Businesses Essay examples -- essays
Pie Chart Data Visualization for Businesses A picture is worth a thousand words. The ability to graphically represent your business data gives you the power to make informed business decisions quickly. (, 2002) This representation must be visually appealing and easy to understand. By keeping it simple, it allows the broadest number of users to interpret the data, gain insights as to its meaning and facilitate communication on the data ultimately to solve the company ¡Ã‚ ¦s problem. Data visualization is the use of interactive, sensory representations, typically visual, of abstract data to reinforce cognition. (, 2005) That in itself is a method or technique of decision-making. To further break it down, the most popular and widely used tool of data visualization is the Pie Chart. There are two types of pie charts. The first type is your standard Pie Chart and the second is the Exploded Pie Chart. The standard pie chart shows parts and their relationship to the whole. Pie charts are always based on a circle, since the circle provides a true visual concept of the whole hundred percent. The parts or  ¡Ã‚ §pies ¡Ã‚ ¨ of the chart represent percentages of the whole. The Exploded Pie Chart is nearly identical to the standard with the exception that one  ¡Ã‚ §pie ¡Ã‚ ¨ is visually separated from the rest for emphasis. Pie charts are created with the help of a compass, protractor, circle stencil, can or jar and a ruler for drawing in the segmented pies. A pie chart should alwa...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay
The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites ( In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.†When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request†people you know to keep up with their day to day actions. This ensures we don’t miss out on parts of someone’s life where we want to be included. Increasing the communication you have with someone, even online, strengthens your relationship. Unfortunately, being able to â€Å"stay connected†has kept thousands connected in a less than personal way. Networking sites entice people to stay online and spend less face-to-face time with others. So, you may be connecting to friends and family, but you are being distracted by the time wasting activities and applications the site supplies. Your mother doesn’t really care if you reached level ten in t he Adventures of Indiana Jones on Facebook. She wants to know how you are doing in your classes at school. Read more: Essays on Social Networking Another way networking sites are affecting society is evident in the ability to find new people. Making new friends can be a wonderful thing. Consider the following scenario, you are interested in a certain musician and find their â€Å"page†on your networking site. On that same page are many others that have that common interest. Befriending these new people provides a new outlet for expression. A family member or friend may not like the same artist, but finding this new friend gives the ability to have someone to talk to about the subject. On the other hand, not all people surfing these sites that are looking for new friends are doing it for the right reasons. Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become â€Å"besties†with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site†( Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like and have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,†they can go to a networking site such as Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese person can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date†shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, or worse occurs. Too much false information is passed along the internet, and a large percent of it is done via networking sites. Overall, social networking sites can’t wholly be praised or put down for being â€Å"bad.†Being able to stay connected, make new friends, and get information via these sites has its pros and cons. No matter what changes are made, there will always be those that say the sites are good for our society, and those that say the dangers outweigh the benefits. References: Are social networking sites good for our society? (2012). Retrieved from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
If only God had made Adam & Steve, instead of Adam & Eve
In â€Å"Let Gays Marry,†Andrew Sullivan responds to conservative objections to same-sex marriages, by arguing that allowing such unions would actually promote traditional values, such as fidelity, monogamy, and love. It should logically appeal to straight conservatives, who deplore gay male promiscuity, that the declaration of Supreme Court: â€Å"A state cannot deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws,†now assigns equal rights to gays and lesbians. Andrew Sullivan is a senior editor at The New Republic, a magazine he edited from 1991 to 1996, and the U. S. columnist for the Sunday Times of London. He has a B. A. in modern history and modern languages from Oxford University and a Ph. D. in political science from Harvard University. He lives in Washington, D. C. The real problem is that there are really only three arguments against gay marriage: One is rooted in entirely God's preferences, the second cites inconclusive research on its negative effects on children, and third, the integrity of a marriage as a legal document. Sullivan effectively presents his case in a very logical fashion, calmly displaying his points, and using a statement declared by the United States Supreme Court, under which no gay men or lesbians will be considered strangers in America. They (Gays) are human beings just like you and I, â€Å"the sons and daughters of countless mothers and 2 fathers,†and should have the same opportunities to pursue happiness by marrying the one that they love. A natural process, where two people fall in love and decide to get married, is not any different for gay people. Therefore legalizing gay marriages does not provide gays with any special rights or place in America, but instead people will consider them to be an equal part of the society. The main idea is homosexuals should have the right to get married legally. Sullivan does not want churches to make any change in their practice, but to allow everyone to be who he/she is, a principle that the United States was created on. Plus, the concept of marriage has changed within the past one hundred years. The inter-caste and the inter-religion marriages which were once prohibited or forbidden between couples, has now become socially acceptable. Gay marriages do not change anyone else's rights or marriages in any way. Marriage is not just about raising children because the fact that many notable â€Å"childless heterosexual couples†exist in today's society, such as Bob Dole and his wife Elizabeth Dole, etc. Sullivan concludes by telling the general public to accept homosexual marriages and the fact that they will not be the turning point for the downfall of all society. Although I agree with Sullivan when he says, legalizing gay unions would not change anyone's right to marriage, I find Bennett's view more powerful, that it would weaken the institution of marriage, and contradict natural, moral, religious, and sexual realities. After reading Sullivan's article, I question his credibility, as he didn't provide enough evidence to get his point through. His approach toward his readers is with a lot of pathos, rather than logos. For example, when he states â€Å"And what we 3 seek is not a special place in America†¦ o give back to our society,†it is not clear as to what he means by giving back. When he argues about the definition of marriage, Sullivan fails to see the change, which was brought about for the welfare of the people (inter-caste marriages, inter-religion marriages, etc. ), consisted of a â€Å"man†and a â€Å"woman†, not two men, or two women. I would have agreed to the assertion, â€Å"the most simple, the most natural, and the most human instinct,†if it was used to prove the relationship between a male and a female. But using it to persuade about the same sex marriage doesn't cheer me up. To answer the question of whether gay and lesbian couples should have the right to marry, the question of why the institution of marriage is valued so dearly in society today must be answered. To do this, the meaning of the word marriage must be found, remembering that there are different levels in which marriage can be interpreted and/or evaluated. As with many other issues, when one tries to define the word marriage and its repercussions in society, several fundamental questions arise that must be answered in order to get a better understanding of the issue in question. Questions like: What is marriage defined as? In Webster's Dictionary, marriage is defined as â€Å"The institution whereby men and women are joined in special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. †This concept seems to have been perpetuated throughout history, one man and one woman joined â€Å"till death do them part. †Keeping the above points in view, same sex marriages defy the laws of Christianity, and it is immoral in the eyes of society. Homosexuality in almost all countries has been looked down upon, and sometimes condemned. This opposition stems from the Holy 4 Bible. The couple in the Garden of Eden was a man and a woman, not two men or two women. If God intended two men or two women to be together, he would have put them in the Garden of Eden, giving them both the ability to have children. But that didn't happen. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, for the procreation of life. God wanted man and woman to reproduce with one another in order for the human race to continue. Today, adoption has taken a turn for the worse; Gay and Lesbian couples who cannot have their own children are adopting kids. I see this as one of the concerned problems. What kind of message are these kids getting? That homosexuality is all right. Moreover, the impact of this move can be devastating on the children as they grow up. For example, they might have to face a lot of challenges, like people taunting them, name calling, making fun, etc. Homosexuality is rejected by all major religions around the globe, but Andrew Sullivan still believes that promiscuity in homosexual relationships can show heterosexual couples that adultery doesn't have to end their marriage. The Bible states, â€Å"Leviticus 20:13: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. †Thus, a 4000 year old book had an answer to the question being asked today. i. e. = Same Sex Marriage– Ethical or Unethical?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
All About Escape Literature
All About Escape Literature As the name suggests, so-called escape literature is written for entertainment, and to let the reader become totally immersed in a fantasy or alternate reality. Much of this kind of literature falls into the guilty pleasure category (think romance novels). But there is a wide variety of different literary genres that could be labeled as escapist: science fiction, westerns, magical realism, even historical fiction. Its worth noting that just because something can be categorized as escape literature doesnt necessarily mean it doesnt have higher literary value. Why Escape Literature Is Popular Its not difficult to understand why escape literature, in all its formats, is well-liked. Being able to immerse oneself in a fictional reality, where troubles and problems are easily recognized and solved, is a comfort provided by movies, books and other forms of entertainment. Truly good works of escape literature create a believable alternate universe, whose inhabitants struggle with dilemmas that the reader might encounter. Its a crafty way to explore moral and ethical themes within an entertaining framework. Examples of Escape Literature The most compelling escapist literature includes works that describe characters in an entirely new, fictional universe. J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings trilogy is an example of a canonical literature series, complete with its own history and completely made-up languages, that follows elves, dwarves and humans through a mythical quest to save their world. In the series, Tolkien explores the themes of right versus wrong and how small acts of bravery can be significant. He also pursued his fascination with linguistics by developing new languages such as Elvish for the majestic elves in the stories. Of course, there are plenty of examples of escape literature that are little more than pop culture entertainment. And thats fine too, just as long as students of the genre can differentiate between the two. When Escapism Is Just Entertainment The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, which grew into a massive movie franchise with a cult following is a good example of lowbrow escapist literature. Its themes of love and romance between a vampire and a human (who happens to be friends with a werewolf) is a thinly-veiled religious allegory, but not exactly a canonical work. Still, the appeal of Twilight is undeniable: the series was a top seller in both its book and movie forms. is undeniable: the series was a top seller in both its book and movie forms. Another popular fantasy series often compared with the Twilight books, is theHarry Potter series by J.K. Rowling (although the quality of the latter is generally considered superior). While some may argue that Harry Potter is an example of interpretive literature, which compels a deeper exploration of the real world through literary themes, its themes of magical workings in a school for wizards offers an escape from reality. Difference Between Escapist and Interpretive Literature Escape literature is frequently discussed alongside interpretive literature, and at times the line between the two genres becomes a little blurry. Interpretive literature seeks to help readers understand deeper questions of life, death, hate, love, sorrow and other elements of human existence. While interpretive literature can be equally as entertaining as its cousin escape, in general, the goal is to bring readers closer to understanding reality. Escape literature wants to take us away from reality, immersing us in a whole new world (but often with the same old problems).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Get this new symbol and youll pay for it - Emphasis
Get this new symbol and youll pay for it Get this new symbol and youll pay for it If you have an aversion to emoticons and their ilk, you may want to look away now. Introducing an entirely new symbol to express heavy-handedly what your words apparently cant: ladies and gentlemen, the Sarcmark. As you might already have guessed, it can be handily popped at the end of a sentence to signify when youre being sarcastic. Actually, its probably meant to be an indicator of irony, but presumably the Iromark didnt have quite the same commercial appeal. Thats right: youll have to pay to use it. Its makers, Sarcasm Inc, will charge you a mere 1.20 for the privilege. So will we be downloading it? Of course. (Darn, now we need one. The irony!) Ok, sometimes the lack of tone in email can be a problem. But sarcasms a tricky one to pull off at the best of times, particularly in business dealings. Insert one of these and you run the risk of either offending your reader for using sarcasm at all, or by assuming theyre too dim-witted to recognise it if they see it.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Metaphysics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Metaphysics - Article Example Metaphysics Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy whose primary focus is to respond to the enquiry ‘What is there?’ In a collection of his works, the most detailed treatise on the general topic of things ta phusika (from which English derives ‘physics’). Since the Greek for ‘after’ is meta, this treatise is titled ‘Metaphysics’. The metaphysics takes into account the material as well as immaterial objects like, property, subject, change, being essentially or accidentally. Three ancestors highly inspired Platos thoughts on metaphysics and epistemology, Heraclitus (c. 540 B.C.-480-70), Parmenides (c.515 B.C.-449-40), and Socrates (470 B.C.-399). Only few extracts of the writings of Parmenides and Heraclitus, including some contained in the dialogues of Plato. Socrates did not write anything. Platos work, influenced by that of his teacher is our primary source of evidence for his philosophy. Parmenides argued that there is and could be only one thing, Being. Furthermore, since change implies that something comes into existence from non-existence, nothing can change. This implies that the reality is static. Plato wrote at different times different dialogues. Usually, his writings is divided into three phases. In the early ‘Socratic’ phase, we find Apology, Crito, Euthyphro, Charmides, Ion, Lysis, Laches, Hippias Minor, Menexenus, Euthydemus and the Protagoras. The Hippias Major, Gorgias and perhaps the Meno belong to the end of this period, maybe with the Gorgias and more likely the Meno verging into the middle phase.
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